Ten Days With My Demon

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Hi! Guys! Just wanna say that I dedicate this story to the game "Ten Days with my Devil". Actually I never finished the game because you have to buy some parts. So All I can say is that this is my version of the story. Hope you like it ^__^. Oh and please like my page on Facebook:


Thanks! :)


Prologue: The Dream, The Contest



I woke up a little dizzy from a dream last night. It could've been true for all I know. It was so vivid that for a second I believed that i was really going to Hell. It was so real.......

I walk out to my living room. It wasn't much. Just a Couch, TV, and some pictures of me and my sister hanging in the wall. I didn't live with my family anymore because at the ripe ol' age of 10 me and my 16 year old sister were orphaned. Our parents died in an Airplane crash at panama in one of their business trips. We were left in Foster Care System. We decided to run away and lived our own lives but we still visited each other.

So I was watching this game show were someone was going to win a 100 dollars. They were about to go to the winner's house, When the apartment coincidentally looks similar to mine. I heared a knock on my door. There was a cute, innocent, cheerful looking reporter. Around his teens i reckon

"Good Morning!! Congratulations to the winner of the 100 dollars: Ms. Mathilda Kiln!"He said with a smile

What! Me! I said to myself

"But I don't remember entering any contest......"I tried to protest. But it was too late, He took me around his arms and they took a picture of us together with the 100 dollar check.

Wow! I won 100 dollars in a contest I don't even remember entering.

I looked on the clock and  Sh*t I'm late for work

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