2.) The Devil and The Singer

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There she stood on the pubs stage. Her voice was astounding as it leaped through the melody of the chorus. I came every Thursday just to hear her sing. I took a long drink of my- what was this again? Ginger Ale I think. Ivan had given it to me on the house and I can see why. It tastes like cheap chemicals selled at a ridiculous price.

Looking back at the small stage I see her finishing her last song of the night, she usually played three on a guitar or piano. Although once she played on the flute just three months ago. I hummed a but exasperated inside my mouth; I wanted to confront her so badly.

'I'll do it next week. Just like I always say.' I look back over my left shoulder just in tɪme to watch her leave the stage and slowly weave herself through the crowd. By the tome I hear the bell above the door ring, signalling her absence, I've already back to my drink and finish it with a single swallow.

"Slow down, Devil comrade. You choke on fact is not usual alcohol." I look up to see Ivan talking in his thick accent while wiping down the bar in front of me.

"How many times will I have to tell you I'm albino, not the Teufel?" I say in an accent of my own. Though mine is not as thick as it used to be.

"You should try talking her, да? I say her stay next time, little man." He gives me a great big smile that should really only appear on a child's face. "Nah, you don't need to do that for me. It's fine really."

"Nyet, I do for lovesick comrade, Gilbert." All of a sudden there was shouting from outside that captured both of our attention for the moment. After a few seconds Ivan decided that his cleaning rag needed to be replaced with his lucky metal pipe. "I will be back tiny дьявол."

I watch the hefty six foot Russian manpower bend down under where the ceiling dips, a place to separate the back of the bar from the rest of the place, and walk out to the side door of the pub. Soon the commotion outside died down after a scream. "Whatever that guy is having I'll take two." I joked with the other bartender and passed out drunk next to me.

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