4.) Checkmate, Your Majesty

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Hnng- *copy&pastes RP starter* hey vsauce aphtea here with some friends' OCs, Nyotalia, underrated characters and a semi-confusing plot. Enjoy!

It has been decided by all the citizens of this land that today it is entirely gorgeous outside. Her Majesty, the King of the White Kingdom, Francine Bonefrey has only recently woken up herself but she agrees with them without a doubt, starting her late morning with a deep stretch and a grin. After she's dressed in a pantsuit fancy enough to fit her prestigious title she makes her way to one of the training ground held within the lately sparse palace. There she can spot her two Knights combating each other with their swords.

"Oh! Are you two sparing?" The King asks them with a charming smile, "You may want to get into something more comfortable, non? Like a sports bra and shorts? This isn't horse riding you know." Francine eyes their, surely uncomfortable, castle uniforms with a teasing tone.

One of her Knights, Winnie, winks at Francine and speaks with a honeyed tone, "Maybe we should have, Your Majesty." But she faces her opponent again, ready to strike her down.

Soo Jin, the other knight, however, stares at her King with a mortified look. Bright red cheeks, wide eyes, mouth hung open and perfect for catching flies. "Your- Apologies, Your Majesty- but I don't believe that's appropriate!"

Francine laughs as she sits to watch the show, "Oh, alright! I will behave. Go on, do not let me distract you now." She urges them with a wave of her hand to continue.

"You got it." Whinnie blows a strand of hair from her face and waits.

Soo Jin ducks her head down, her face flushed and nervous. She's a bit embarrassed to have her King watch their match, but if it was an order, it was an order. "Yes, ma'am." She bows in salute. Francine sits back and watches in interest as the two start their game.

"You ready, Soo Jin?" Winnie calls, drawing a sword.

She pulls out her own and treads backwards, her sword not facing her enemy but the ground. "As ready as I'll ever be!" Soo Jin calls back.

"Ready, set-" She takes off, "Go!"

Soo Jin narrows her eyes. She was going to play offence but Winnie's little cheat forces her to rethink. Of course, not everything goes to plan, so she'll just have to stay on the defensive.

Winnie jabs her sword close to Soo Jin but not so much that it'll nick her. She retracts her sword along with her legs which make fast and agile steps away. Soo Jin dodges and twirls her sword, jabbing it at Winnie as well. Winnie barely makes her way out of the blade's path, twisting on her heel to make the sudden jut to the side. She tries another thrust at Soo's side in retaliation. If someone came in now they might perhaps think that this spar was a bit more than a simple dance of swords.

Soo Jin decides to play dirty now and ducks down with a grand swipe to the opponent's leg, knocking Winnie down flat on her ass where she looks dazed. Soo Jin may not be the best swordsman, but she is an amazing martial artist.

Winnie rolls away from the next blow and jumps to her feet again with a chuckle, "Playing dirty, Mademoiselle? I guess I can too." She whips this way and that until she has Soo turned around and makes a kick for the back of her knees.

Luckily Soo Jin blocks it just in time, "I won't go down that quickly!" She chides.

"Says you!" Winnie sticks her tongue out and keeps her sword in front of her as a shield.

Francine smiles as she watches their duel unfolding before her, "You two girls sure are working up quite a sweat! Afterwards, if you would like, I could give you both a nice cool down in my bath." She winks as they catch her eyes.

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