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The long school day continued on, you could still feel the eyes of Kim Taehyung on you, not only him, but Jeon Jungkook, and Park Jimin. They made sure to stay away from Jiwoo, if any of them slept with her, Hoseok would make sure they wouldn't be able to see the light of day. And not only that, Jiwoo could most likely kick their ass if they ever tried something.

You felt someone tap your shoulder, you groaned in frustration, turning around. "What the hell do you want now?"

Your cheeks soon reddened, the person who tapped your shoulder during the most boring math class ever, wasn't Taehyung, but it was a new student you've seen around the halls of this school, Jackson Wang.

"I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else," you apologized quietly, bowing. Jackson smiled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked down.

"It's not a big deal - um, you're Y/N right? The one who's in my math class?" He asked you, you nodded at him, pushing a strand of hair that was in your face off to the side with your pointer finger, your signature grin upon your face.

"Mhm, not that popular around here, but some people know me," I shrugged, but Jackson began shaking his head with his eyes wide. "Are you kidding me? You're literally one of the most popular girls in the school right now!"

And that, was the biggest surprise you've ever heard. You're the quiet girl, someone who sits at the back of a classroom and you're in a small friend group. How in the absolute hell, were you popular? (a/n lol sorry)

"Wait, what?" You questioned, squinting your eyes curiously, looking at Jackson with a confused look upon your face, you tilted your head slightly and Jackson raised an eyebrow at you. "You mean you don't know?"

You nodded.

Jackson sighed, shaking his head. "Well then, what's happening is the maknae line of the "player" group of the school made a bet on you. Students are actually betting money on the three guys, the most money has gone to Jungkook so far. Whoever sleeps with you first wins. Which ever guy wins gets half of the money that was bet, so it's the biggest thing going around the school. There's already been about 4,000 dollars that's been bet. People are saying that Jimin started it, but Taehyung is the one who actually made it official."

You gasped quietly, before an angered expression crept it's way onto your face.

Those motherfuckers.

The bell rang, and you thanked Jackson for the news that he gave you, and now you noticed all the stares that people gave you in the hallway, and the whispers that filled the air whenever someone spotted you.

But you didn't care.

You're looking for Kim Taehyung, the douche that spread the all the information of the bet to the whole goddamn school, what kind of guy does that? And why would these students bet 4,000 dollars on three teenage boys? You didn't know, but you sure as hell were angry about it.

There he is, you thought, he's definitely going to get smacked.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" You growled, your fists were balled up and you looked absolutely pissed, but Taehyung couldn't help but laugh, seeing your adorable figure looking angry, but his chuckles were cut off by your fist colliding with his face.

Taehyung groaned, holding his cheek in pain, staring down at you with a death glare. "What the hell was that for?"

"That was for making a stupid bet on me after I told you not to! I'm a human being, not a toy!" You shouted at the three boys in front of you, shifting your eyes from one to another.

You scoffed when they kept their mouths shut, a disappointed look upon your face, you shook your head while your tongue poked at the side of your cheek. "Wow, I can't believe you guys."

You swiftly turned around on your heel, your hair flipping while you did. The people in the hall watched you, and the three boys were completely dumbfounded.

"Go fuck yourselves." You muttered, and you once again thanked the lord when the last bell of the day rang, you could finally get out of this hell, no more drama for the rest of the day, no Taehyung, Jimin, or Jungkook. You saw one of your friends, Yugyeom, running towards you.

"Holy crap Y/N! I can't believe you actually did that!" Yugyeom began blabbering on, as you got ready to leave the school grounds, and you were sure, that you would hear your name around the school tomorrow.


shorter chapter, i'm working on the next one so just wait! love you guys!


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