The hospital

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I wake up in a bright room all alone I look at my arms I have so many needles in my arms I start to freak out when a familiar face walks into the room wait is that Cameron Dallas I thought "nice hoodie" the boy says "oh thanks it's ca-" I got interrupted "I know who it is" the boy said laughing "wait you look familiar do I know you" I ask him " we may have FaceTimed once or twice" he says winking at me "it is you" I say " in the flesh" he says as we both laugh "what the hell are you doing here" I say "well a boy ran you over and I saw it happen so I ran over to your and remembered you so I called 911 then I stayed with you because I was worried" Cameron says "well thank you" "oh and how did you get them cuts on your arms and stomach" "umm well I-" I get cut off again "Charlie do you selfharm" Cameron asked me I couldn't lie to him he's the one who has always been there "yes" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear it "why char please tell me" Cameron said "okay well I started around 6 or 7 years ago when I got adopted that's when the bullying started I still get beaten up every day by my 'family' and my bullies it's horrible I just want to die I lost my parents when i was 4" I reply Cameron gets up and hugs me "omg Charlie I never knew would you like to stay with me for a while you can do online schooling " he said with a smile "okay sure anything to get away from that house" I say back to him "yay now I have a little sister I can look after I'll be the best big brother ever Charlie don't you worry" he says "thank you cam" I smile at him
"Don't thank me"

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