Seeing him

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we got out of the car and walked into the house Cameron directs me to my room I open the door it is massive the room is white and black with a massive bed "omg thank you so much cam" I shout down to him "you're welcome char" he shouts back up I unpack all my stuff and put my clothes in my new walk in closet then I went for a shower when i got out I heard voices coming from down stairs so I put my clothes on just a pair of leggings and a jack Johnson hoodie and a pair of socks I walk downstairs and Cameron comes running out of the living room and says "stay there for a minute" he was smiling like a little boy on Christmas "okay but hurry up" I say to him "I will I will" he says running into the kitchen he comes back out with a blindfold he puts its on me "just walk forward to the living room" he added "okay" I said confused I walk into the living room and it goes silent the Cameron takes my blindfold off and I see 5 Boys sitting on the couch Cameron points behind me I turn around and see him "omg Cameron what huh" I couldn't even get the words out it was jack Johnson,jack gets up and I just run to him in tears "omg jack I love you so much" I whisper to him "aww Charlie I love you too" jack whispered back me and jack parted and then I ran to Cameron "thank you thank you so much cam" I say to him "it's okay char you've been through a lot so i thought I would make you happy" he says "this is the best day ever thank you" I reply "nice hoodie" jack added "oh thanks" I say whilst laughing "I'm hungry" one of the boys said I turned around and there was a boy who has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair he was beautiful "yeah so am I" jack added "me too" Cameron added "me too" I added we all laughed "okay let's go" Cameron says "okay"we all say in unison we all get in Cameron's car and drive to in and out burger whilst in the car me and jack j say right at the back jack glinsky and the brow haired boy sat 2 seats in front of us and cam and the other boy sat in the front then jack and jacks song flights came on I started to sing and then jack j's part came and we both started to rap it I started to tear up because flights reminded me of my mum and dad jack turned to me "why are you crying char" he asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder "this song reminds me of my mum and dad the died in a fire when i was 4" I tell him "omg char don't worry I'm here now" he says "thanks jack you saved me" I tell him "don't worry I'll always be here" he reassures me jack kissed my forehead head "love you Charlie" "love you too jack" when we got to in and out we walked in and I saw the boys how bullied me "shit" I say "what char" jack says "oh nothing" I say to him we all sit down in a booth and one of the boys come over to our table "oh look it's the slut I thought I told you to kill yourself" bobby said I grab jacks hand and squeeze it I look at jack don't worry he mouthed to me okay I mouthed back "leave her alone now" jack tells Bobby "or what" Bobby threatens jack "leave my fucking girlfriend alone or I'll fucking beat the shit out of you" jack said standing up "you're dating her you could do so much better than a girl who selfharms and who deserves to die" Bobby shouts a jack
Jack swings for Bobby and hits him "come on let's go"jack tells us "yeah I think that's best" I say we get back in the car and I lay on jacks lap "char why did that boy say you self-harm you can tell me don't worry" jack asks "um well I do it started when I was ten and when I got adopted I started to get bullied and I lost all of my friends no one liked me because I was the only one who was adopted and who has lost their parents" I tell him crying "baby it will be okay I'm here now you don't have to worry anymore and you have all of the other boys" "jack can you stay the night please I just need someone tonight" I ask him "yeah I will char don't worry" he reassures me "why did you say I was your girlfriend" I ask jack "well Charlie will you be my girlfriend" he answered my question with a question this boy "of course I will jack" I say leaning up kissing his cheek " love you beautiful" he tells me "love you too baby" I say smiling after that I fell asleep in the car laying on jacks lap whilst he was stroking my hair

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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