Running away

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I've been I the hospital for about 2 weeks now because all of my ribs were broken and I couldn't walk today I get to go to my new home (cams home) I'm so happy. I get dressed into one of Cameron's t-shirts that he brought me to wear and a pair of jeans I put my hair in a messy bun and Cameron walked back into the room "okay we need to go to my old house and get my stuff which will be fine because Everybody's out and I have a key" I tell Cameron "okay then lil sis lets get going" we get into the car and Cameron drives to my old house we walk inside no ones home good we both run up stairs and I throw all my clothes in one suitcase whilst Cameron is putting all my pictures and posters in a bag I throw all my shoes in the suit case as well as my makeup when we here the door open "shit" I say "don't worry we can jump out of the window" Cameron suggested "okay you jump out the window I'll go down the stairs make sure you throw my stuff out First okay" I instruct him "got it sis" he whispers to me. I walk down stairs and my 'mum' says " why are you going to school so late" "I had to pick up my books for revision tonight sorry" I say smiling at her "whatever" she replies I walk out the door and throw the key away Cameron is already in the car waiting for me "what took you so long huh" cam moans "I was getting interrogated" I reply laughing "ha lets get out of here sis" cam said "okay big bro" I say back to him we drive for about 1 hour when we come to a big house "wow" i say

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