your leaving me

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I'm going to lose my friend

She was my guide

She was the one close to me

It's not long

All i want to do is sing my song

I can't have her anymore

No more, no more,

I have nothing now,

I'm alone again

I miss her hugs

I miss our old times

Now she's going to move on

I don't know how i will live

I am going to miss her badly

I lost someone and now it's her

I don't want to remember the past

Because i won't last

Everything is going to end

Wish i had a friend

I'm the cause

Don't want to go through it again

Don't want to make friends again

I just want to be alone

I'm going to miss her

I don't want to think about it

Its making me cry

My tears are dry

I don't know what to do

Or where to go

I don't know what i'm going to do

She's the only one who understood me

The one and only

Now who would?

When my life's going to crush

Where am i going to head

I can't imagine our last day

If only she would stay

May be 1 or 2

I hate to say "goodbye"

I can't say it

And i wouldn't

I can't imagine anything

I hope it doesn't make me

Sad and mad

(I don't know..... I'm useless in everything ): )

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