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Warning: violence, bad language, and death. Read at your own risk bwahahahaha but don't if you can't handle this seriously!

Sobbing and crying never helps anyone from escaping anything. I had to use my energy to think of a way to escape before that asshole actually comes back and rapes me. Maybe he made a mistake and left the door open. The guard that was with me before came back and just stood there staring at nothing like they always do. I hated myself for what i was thinking to do next but i didn't have another choice. I stood up from the spot that i was in and i approached the guard."Mmm you look sexy with that serious face." I said to him looking at him up and down seductively. If anything i should use the weapons that i have left and one of them is this dress i'm wearing. When he didn't respond i sat back down trying to think of another strategy but just for a mere of seconds i actually got his attention, Just when i was thinking he wasn't a perv like pep and the rest of these guys was. He had dark shades but i could still tell his gaze was on me, so i started shuffling a bit moving my skirt a little higher and i could tell he was getting uneasy.

"Come here, boy" I said signaling him to come with my finger. It took him a moment but after he looked left and right to make sure nobody came, I could see him smiling as he came closer to me. And like a spider i had him on my web of traps. The guard picked me up from the ground and pinned me to the wall but before he could touch me i jabbed a hair pin through his throat practically choking him. Then i ran away leaving the choking man inside the room, i turned back and closed the door so people don't notice i had escaped. 'Sorry' i thought about the man but he was bad too.

With no clue as to where to go and at a high risk of getting caught by another guard i just ran inside another room and hid at a random closet, My plan was to stay there until i know that the two guards in the hallway has moved. From the few little holes on the closet door i could see pep and that worthless bastard coming inside the room along with some other guards including the two in the hallway.

"You have done well pepero daddy."

"Hahahhahahaha thank you."

"For my boss it was hard finding a boy like yours pepero daddy. Sara is perfect."

"Hahahahahahaha and i thank you for the money."

"The money of course! all you have to do is sign this paper and all the money in those three suitcases are yours for the exchange of sara and don't worry i'll take a real good care of your boy."

I looked to the side to see the guards opening the three suitcases full of money and i gasped at the sight of money that pep might be getting and i think that, that dion guy might have heard me. "Did you hear that?" He asked, luckily pep isn't interested in anything else but the money. some day i'll steal all that money from him, after all he cost me.

"Nope. Nope i didn't hear anything at all! now about that paper."

"Oh yes! of course! the paper Just sign here."

That dion guy was smiling awfully a lot for a guy who was about to give like 3 million dollars to a middle aged old man.

"There i signed it! Now the money!." Pep said too excited.

"Not so fast pepero daddy! you ain't going anywhere with that money!"

"What do you mean? i signed it! with fairness!"

"Well now you know we ain't fair here." Dion said and when pep was going to say something else he got shot in the arm three time with a gun. The situation shocked me so much that i fell back and landed on some clothes. I placed both my hands tight against my mouth so that i won't scream as i silently cried. I've never seen someone get shot or die right in front of me. I was so terrified of these people, They killed pep without no difficulty or hesitation imagine what they could do to me.

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