part two: "it's the rain's fault"

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I hopped into the car. It smelled kinda like a mix of beer, cigars and fast food.

   "So," I piped up as Chorís started up the car. "What's your story?"

   He chuckled. "What?"


   "We just met each other, and you want my personal information?"

   "I gave you my address and I don't even know you. What else do you expect from me?"


   He spent a few minutes in silence, but spoke up after.

   "I'm a SEAL."

   "The animal?"

   "The army kind."


   "Is that how you got the scars?"

   "Afghanistan. A man snuck up on me with a good knife."

   "Must'a hurt."

   "You think?"

I gave a chuckle and looked out at the ongoing traffic. It raining and all, the road was pretty congested.

"What about you doll?" Chorís asked.

"A runaway."

"From what? Cops?"

"No, from my family."

His grin faded, and he looked at me. "Were you, uh, abused or somethin'?"

I shook my head. "No, they were the greatest people alive. I just didn't wanna burden them anymore."

"Sounds tragic. I bet you weren't annoying or anything, though."

I nodded, not wanting to speak of it anymore.

The scar-faced man's phone ringed. His ringtone was some country music, oddly.

He picked it up. I didn't hear what the person on the other line was saying, but they sounded frantic.

   "Wait, is he okay?" Chorís spoke up.

   "I'll be there as soon as I can."

    The person on the other line had hung up. "What happened?" I asked.

   "My buddy got into a car accident. It was pretty bad, but he survived."

   "I'm sorry about that."

   "It's no problem... question?"


    "Can you spare some time to wait in a hospital lobby?"

   I hesitated, but nodded. "Sure thing."

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