part six: "bringing kids to a bar"

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   Since Klaire didn't have a driver's license, I always had to drive her, Naomi and Blake to their destinations if it was too far. I didn't like it, but I'm a generous person.

   I tapped my fingers on the wheel. I had the news on. The tornado warning was still going on.

   Blake groaned. "Bo-ring."

   Naomi nodded. "Yeah."

   "Now, kids, I'm making sure you're safe," I said in a sarcastic tone.

   Klaire chuckled.

   "What's this job interview about anyway," I asked. "Where are you gonna start working?"

   "Where I might start working," she corrected. "Just a convenience store. You know, Rite Aid, the one by Wells Fargo?"

   "Easy enough. What position?"

   "Just a clerk," she said while picking at her nails.

   Blake groaned. "Again, boring. And who's gonna cook while you're at work? Milla's pot roast is shit."

   "She tries," Naomi said.

   Milla Gardner was the old lady who took care of the three, along with John. They were about 65 years old.

   While Naomi and Blake argued about how much effort Milla put into her cooking, time passed and we arrived at Rite Aid.

   "Good luck," I said as Klaire got out of the car. She nodded.

   I drives away as she walked into the store.

   "Where are you guys going?" I asked the two left.

   Naomi shrugged. "We just wanted to come."

   "Well what now, then?"

   "How about we, I don't know..." Blake paused.


   I chuckled. "During a tornado warning, and traffic?"

   "Who cares?" His sister said.

   I shrugged. "Me."

   "Fine," Blake said. "Then what do we do?"

   "I'll just drop you off home--"

   Naomi shook her head. "No, it's boring over there!"

   I sighed. "Fine. I'll order you guys apple juice of something at the bar."

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