part eight: calm winds

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   "Well, Nicole," I said. "You seem underage to be smoking."

   "What are you gonna do about it...?" Nicole growled.

   I shrugged. "Nothing. I can't be a hypocrite, it's an addiction for me too."

   Nicole nodded.

   "Your name's weird," the girl said. "'Chorís.'"

   "My parents weren't good with names. We had a snake named Halten."

   The dark haired girl chuckled. "Halten?"

   I nodded.

   "Interesting," Nicole said.


    "You're interesting."

   "Hey, I'm the one who's supposed to be flirting," I said.

   Nicole did a semi-growl. "That wasn't a flirt, creep."


   "Well, I should get going," I said, walking back to my car.

   "What's your number?" Nicole asked me before I opened my door.

   I chuckled, and handed her a slip of paper.

   "Hm," she hummed a bit, and waved at me as my car drove away.

   "Hit it off," Blake inquired, "hm?"

   "Same thing you said when I met Jasmine."

   Naomi chuckled.

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