Valentines Special!

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Valentines Special!

I snuggled closer to Ethan, a frown on my face.

“It’s February,” I said.


“and it’s Valentines Day,”


“So WHY is it STILL SO COLD!?!”


I gave him a shove and he laughed, draping his arm around my shoulder as he gave me a quick squeeze.

“Yeah, yeah. I know. You hate the cold. But it’s not like we can exactly do anything about it.”

“I guess your right,” I sighed. A pout slowly making it’s way onto my face. You’re probably thinking that I’m always grumpy like this. But I’m not! Really! It’s just that cold weather in general puts me in a bad mood. 

Ethan leant over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Cheer up. You’ll be going to class soon anyway, so you’ll be out of the cold in no time,” he stated before jumping off the wall we were sitting on.

Even now that we were dating, looking at him still took my breath away. He turned to face me, his head cocked slightly to the side with that gorgeous dimple grin of his plastered onto his face. He held out his arms to help me down, and I quickly leapt into them. Savoring the feel of his firm arms around my cold body.

“I don’t mind, but I don’t think your art teacher would appreciate it if you dragged me with you to class…”

I immediately released my hold, my face flushing as I hid my face behind my hair.

“Well, I have something I need to do. So I’ll see you later mmkay?”

I nodded and he gave me one last peck on my head before walking off.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket before walking off to my art class. Even since I started taking weekend art classes, this had become a sort of ritual. I picked up my pace, rushing into the doors and down the hall.

As soon as I opened the door to the classroom, I sighed in contentment. I loved this room. The earthy smell and the paint splattered walls calmed me. Our teacher Sue walked over to me. Sue was a perky little redhead with short, layered, messy hair and bright brown eyes. Even though she was our teacher, she was so clumsy that often we felt like the ones teaching. Still, no matter how clumsy she was, if you put a blank canvas in front of her Sue could paint the most breathtaking things.

I sat and began to paint. It started out as a mad mix of swirls and spirals, but soon I found my inspiration and began to make a picture.

“Whoa! That’s excellent Sophie!”

I jumped as Sue appeared behind me.

“Don’t DO that!” I squealed. Sue laughed and then looked at me apologetically.

“Sorry about that. But class is over, and I just wanted to see what you were working on since you seemed so absorbed in it. It really is beautiful!”

I smiled as I looked at my painting. It was a bunch of small strokes, joined to create a fall park. In the centre of the trees and colorful leaves stood a couple. It still wasn’t completely finished. But I was really proud of it.

Sue gave me a pat on the back as a sort of congratulations before handing me an envelope.

“Before you go, your boyfriend stopped in this morning. He told me to give this to you once class was over.”

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