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I was currently sitting in the principals office due to getting in a fight with a girl named Cassidy, I knew I shouldn't have been fighting but I wasn't going to just let her talk shit about me. Mr Fuller finally came in sitting down at his desk looking disappointed I looked away glaring at the floor, she threw the first punch and I hit back but for a few minutes neither him nor I said anything to each other it was just awkward silence until I realized the amount of trouble I'd be in once I got home then the tears started to slip.

"Lita......" he softly said then sighed "what happened? You've never fought before..."

"She threw the first punch so I reacted and hit back.... what more can I say?"

"Can you tell me what happened? So I can better understand...."

I recapped what happened in the gym which was a long story and by the time I was done all he did was shake his head, I kept crying because I knew what was going to happen at home....

"I'm so dead....." I whispered out "I'm going to get it so bad when I get home...."

Mr Fuller looked sad and highly concerned I knew it was a awkward situation for him to be in.

"I'm not going to tell your parents lita.... I know what you're going through...."

I looked up at him with question "what do you mean? You're not going to tell them?"

"No. I'm not.... I was in your shoes once. Surprising I know. I had an alcoholic father that cheated on my mother, he couldn't hold down a job to save his life.... he took his frustration out on me any chance he got. My mom though that's a bit different she loved me ... she just never had the strength to get away from him. I didn't understand it..... I grew up in a broken home too... I was picked on because I had bruises on me and was quiet because I trusted nobody. I know your pain...."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that mr Fuller..... it's difficult.... I hate my life I hate coming to school but I hate being at home...."

"Lita..... it gets better I promise. You're a bright person, I know you're going to get the hell out of there as soon as you can and you're going to have a great life.... just don't ever look back... don't give up...."

I nodded my head then I was dismissed it was finally the end of the day so I headed home but along the way my boyfriend picked me up and we headed to our secret spot, he was the only good thing in my life.

"I heard about the fight...."

"Don't even want to talk about it... I swear if it wasn't for maddie I'd run away...."

"You could run away with me...."

I laughed then kissed him eventually he brought me home before my parents got back I assumed maddie was up in her bedroom so I went to check on her, I made us something to eat but gave her majority of the food I could go without but not her. I started crying then she looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll be fine ok? Don't worry..."

"I don't like it here either lita....."

"I know.... I promise one day I'll get us out of here.... then we will have a better life...."

When our parents got back I was in the kitchen doing homework they were drunk and fighting of course that's no surprise, I just tried to act like I wasn't hearing it.

"You act like we can afford for you to just get laid off because you're too drunk to go do your job!" My mom yelled "we got bills to pay and a house that needs fixin so when are you going to get off your lazy ass and do it!"

"Then why don't you go get a job you lazy whore!"

My mom threw something at him "fuck off! I'm not the one sneaking around! "

"The hell are you talking about?!"

"Like you don't know "

"Why don't you do what you're supposed to and clean the fucking house?"

"Right just leave like you always do...."

"Yeah I will.... get the hell away from you..."

"Go run to your little whore like you always do.... get piss drunk..."

"Like you're any better drink like a fish..."

My dad left slamming the door which wasn't uncommon he often wasn't here he would go out get drunk and go to Lisa's house, I partly felt bad for my mom..... my mom was confusing because she wasn't always like that she used to take care of me but then once she got pregnant with my sister things changed everything changed. My dad got worse so my mom went downhill and started tagging along after him, she knew he was cheating but she never left him and she was mostly abusive when she was drunk she didn't really give a damn about us anymore.

"The hell are you looking at?" She said

I just shook my head and went back to my homework while she cried and slammed things around I jumped as glass shattered everywhere, I gathered up my stuff and hurried to my bedroom to finish up but I cried in the process I never wanted to be like my parents I didn't want to have that kind of relationship or bring kids into a broken life.

Book 1: Infest:Where stories live. Discover now