The past

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Jungkook pov

Im eating breakfast with taehyung when i pause remembering what happened between momo and i yesterday. What happened between us was more heartbreaking for her than me, but that doesn't mean i don't care. Because momo and i have been distant friends for so long we have never been able to talk the whole situation out.
Im in mid thought when i feel a tap on my shoulder. "Huh?" I say turning to taehyung
"I have been calling your name over and over again. What's on your mind that you cant even get the spoon of cereal from your hand into your mouth?"
I look down noticing my spoon in mid air. I must've been thinking real hard. "Oh, im just thinking about the whole Momo being my fake wife thing and about our past together"
"Ohh i see," he says "i get it but i don't exactly get the story behind it." He adds
"What do you mean?" I question
"Well you have never exactly told us the WHOLE story, all you told us is that you and momo had a bad past. Care to share the story?" I think about it at first and then come to the conclusion that it wouldn't hurt to share it considering its not like my life depends on me keeping it as a secret. "Well is all started off in high school..."


Momo pov

"Hey jeongyeon!" I say
"Hey momo whats up!?" "Well lets just say for over three years of liking jungkook im finally gonna confess to him!" "HOLY SHIT. ACTUALLY!?" At this point in time jeong looks like she is about to burst of happiness "yes! And i have the perfect place to do it to!" "Where!" She asks. "At the school dance!!"

It was the night of the dance. I was sooooo excited and i was wearing my most impressive and beautiful dress with my makeup wich was professionally done!... well, professionally done by Sana bUT WHATEVER.  anywaysss it was about to be the perfect night! I was all ready and set to confess.
I walked into the gym where the lights were flickering beautifully, the music was pumping and everyone was having a good time. i look around trying to find jungkook but all i see is the band figuring out how the mics turn on for their performance. Finally after probably fifteen minutes of asking around i spot him going onto the dance floor. I start speeding up a bit cuz i don't want to loose him in the crowd considering i already spent so much time trying to find him and i just want to get this over with so i can have fun with my friends while im here. Im about three meters away from him when he notices me.  im ready to spit these words right out of my mouth (like yoongis fire mistape),when i trip on my dress, stumbling a bit but steadying myself when a mic falls in front of me and all you can here from there on is, "jungkook!! *I LOVE YOU*" i cover my mouth in sock as i notice that I HAD JUST CONFESSED THROUGH A MIC AND NOW THE WHOLE SCHOOL WAS LOOKING AT ME. Not to make matters worse but as i look at jungkook all i hear from him is "im sorry momo, but i don't like you in that way"
I put my head down as tears slowly slip its way through my eyelids. Well now im crying in front of the entire school. Yay.  I run out of the gym as my members chase after me.


Jungkook pov

"Yikes" is all taehyung says as he rubs the back of his neck. "I know, and she even liked me for over two years.." i say putting my head down.
"Just ask her for a due over" he says
"Its not that easy.." "yes it is, just explain that your older now and more mature."
"I guess ill try" i say while sighing. "Plus i have to film with her tomorrow so i should probably fix things with her."
"Call her" i hear a voice say. I turn around and see yoongi walk into the room with the rest of the members behind him. "WERE U GUYS EAVESDROPPING?" I say "who cares if we were or weren't" jin says. "Just do the right thing and call her. Make it up to her"
I sigh, "okay" i leave the kitchen, grabbing my phone and going to my room

Momo pov

Im just coming out of the washroom from taking a shower when i hear my phone ringing from my room. "Its for you!!" Jeongyeon yells from our room. She hands me the phone and i read the contact

*incoming call from jungkook (ᵔᴥᵔ)*

"AHDBJS AHH JEONG GET OUT ITS MY HUSBAND" i scream "OKOKOK CHILL IM LEAVIN" she walks out of the room and i immediately answer the phone "hello?"
"Ah momo-shii, can we talk?" He asks "of course, about what?" "What happened between us in highschool." He says. "Oh, i see" i say as my surroundings become upsetting. " i just want to say, im sorry. Like im really sorry. What i did to you in high school was so stupid and immature. I shouldn't of said anything as i knew that the whole was listening and i caused you major public humiliation. I also want you to know that i am more mature now and i would never do anything so immature to you again, nor repeat the past. I just want to start over" "okay, i understand and i know you are more mature now. Lets forget the past and make new memories that we will remember in the future"
"I agree, goodnight momo-shii"
"Goodnight jungkook- ah"

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