Alison bailey is your normal teenage girl. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She has special eyes changing with her mood. Her beautiful eyes are brown, green, and blue. But the prettiest eyes hold the most secrets. At home she is abused and...
One day I was at school, I was sitting in the bathroom hiding from my bullies when my phone started blowing up. A group chat huh? Unknown- did y'all add kian Unknown- yeah hey kian wanna play never have I ever with us Me- yo this isn't kian this is Alison Unknown- you can't give this number to anybody Me- uh why? Unknown- we are sorta Me- sorta what Unknown- nothing send a pic of yourself Me- ok I'm ugly sooooo but here
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Unknown- holy fudge buckets you are gorgeous😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🙂🙂 Me- awe introduce yourself a PLEASE Unknown- Carter (I'm just gonna put names not unknown from here on until done introducing)
Taylor Matt Jack j Jack g Cameron Nash Hayes Sammy Hunter Brandon Geo Joey Mario Eathan Grayson Loren Madison Ariel Zach Weston Nick Julian Jovani Blake Nathan Jonas Jacob Mark Joey Tyler Me- u kidding me how many dudes are in this Carter- a lot now we are gonna show u pics Nash
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