Part four

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Group chat with the girls only
Maggie- Alison its ok
Lox- yeah it is just tell us what's wrong
Madison- yeah we're here for you
Loren- come on
Ariel- babe were right here just talk to us
Me- nobody has ever cared about me.
Loren- I'm sure they have
Me- you don't know my life trust me
Ariel- then tell us
Me- all of you promise on your life you won't tell anybody
Loren- promise
Ariel- I promise
Madison- ok I promise
Maggie- anything for ya I promise
Lox- of course Alison
Me- my parents are abusive and I get uh I get bullied at school
Maggie- omg I'm so sorry
Me- no it's ok invite me back to the group chat tomorrow after school I have to go bye

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