Alison bailey is your normal teenage girl. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She has special eyes changing with her mood. Her beautiful eyes are brown, green, and blue. But the prettiest eyes hold the most secrets. At home she is abused and...
Me- aye sup you people Loren- aye girl send pic of u today Maggie- yassss Ariel- bet she slaying like yesterday Madison- nah Me- yeah whatever here
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Nathan- zayum you got a bæ or not Me- actually I do Julian- what Jovani- what Nash- what Cam- no Matt- nah u lying Shawn- no whyyy JJ- no please say your lying Jack g- you can't Zach- nooooooooooo Weston- I did not allow you to date child Loren- spill Ariel- come on spill Madison- who cares Maggie- really that's great Alison Lox- really Jonas- wow Jacob- noooooo bæ Mark- no you don't Tyler- your too young Taylor- I really hope your lying A Dylan- no Hunter- you can't Brandon- noooo Mario- no best Fran Joey- come on she's lying Eathan- no Grayson- you can't have one Me- do you all really care about someone you haven't even met I was lying nobody likes me I have to go I left the chat at 8:23