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Chapter 3: I Think There's a Fault In My Code

---Chapter 3: I Think There's a Fault In My Code

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They knocked and banged on the door as if Louise had done something wrong. She didn't, but was about to. They soon bursted into the door and tried to grab Louise. She was playing with the rag dolls that Clover had given her and now she was angry.

She elbowed their crotches. "You assholes are going to pay!"

They punched her face and kicked her ribs, but she kept fighting. Clover came running into her cell with a sympathetic face. And like that, Louise let her body hang. They had put handcuffs on her, dragged her body through the halls, and stopped in front of a dark skinned woman and a light skinned man. She was confused, no one ever came to visit her because no one was allowed to. They forced her on her feet, so that she could talk to them face to them.

"I think you got me confused with someone else, so I gonna leave back to my cell." Louise announced, but the woman's voice stopped her.

"You're not Louise Ackerman, the woman who murdered one hundred and sixty people."

Louise stopped in her tracks and knew that no one made her squirm, yet when the woman mentioned that she did. The woman smirked at Louise's fist balling then releasing to see if a knife would magically appear.

"I'm not that woman anymore. It was an-"

"Accident, I suppose you were going to say that. Nothing is an accident, sweetheart." She turned to Griggs. "Take off her cuff and put it in her in the room."

"Are you insane?" Griggs questioned harshly. "She could kill us all in half a second."

The light skinned man rose his gun up and pointed at Griggs. "You heard the lady!"

Griggs motioned Clover to come near Louise. "Walters, get up here and do that. She scares the shit out me."

Clover quickly nodded and came to put Louise in the room in front of them.  She quickly unlocked her cuffs and pushed Louise inside the room while locking the door. The scenery around Louise was strange. The room was a very bright white, a black table held weapons of every kind, and six beige dummies were held up like punching bags. Suddenly the tingling sensation started in Louise's hands, but she stopped herself. A loud voice presented itself in the room and she knew that it was the dark skinned woman she met outside.

"In front of you is a table of weapons that you must use to kill the six dummies in five minutes. If you don't, you're worthless and we wasted our time. If you do, we're interested in you for a little experiment we're starting." Her voice boomed through out the white room. "The clock starts now."

Louise made her finger into the shape of a gun and pointed it at Griggs. She pretended to pull the trigger and mouthed, "You're dead.". She smiled and picked up the eight mm pistol in front of her as it was already loaded. She went close to the first dummy and shot it between the painted eyes, making sand pour out of the holes. After she killed the first one, she repeatedly shot a dummy's chest then it's head as if it was a shooting range and sand poured out it like a waterfall.

She threw the gun away and grabbed an ax lying on the table. She swung around the ax like a maniac, but a maniac who had experience with all types of weapons. Three down and three to go. She grabbed a dagger and grenade from the table, went to the nearest dummy, stabbed it, and stuffed the grenade inside. She slid away on her knees away from explosion and took down a new dummy with her.

She slit it's throat and threw away the dummy from her place on the floor. She then proceeded to tackle the next one and stab it repeatedly. She laughed crazily as she was done with that one. She turned her head to the plexiglass window and started to run towards it with the dagger raised above her head. As soon as she reached it, her head bounced against the plexiglass making her fly back and hit her head on the floor. Clover gasped at the scene the unfolded in front of her, but she didn't move a muscle.

"How much time was that?" The light skinned man asked.

Griggs gulped down the saliva built up in his throat, "Two minutes."

"Must be hours in her mind." Amanda added. "Put her back in her cage."

"Walters, you heard her! Put the inmate back in her cell!" Griggs yelled at Clover.

She weakly put her hand up into a salute. "Y-Yes, s-sir."

Clover quickly went in to drag her friend out of the door and into cell. Clover knew that no one would want to take the night shift with after what happened, so she volunteered as tribute. Louise eventually woke up about an hour into the night shift and Clover was falling asleep on the wall. Louise rubbed her eyes open and looked at Clover who was sleeping against the wall. She got up, plucked out a brick from the wall, took out the blanket then plopped the brick back in, and placed it on Clover. Louise finally went towards the back of her cell and started her prayer.

She touched her forehead, her chest, and both of her shoulders to make the sign of the cross and finally began, "Dear Heavenly Father, I love that you have gave me life, my family, love, and friends." She started to cry, but didn't wipe the tears away. "I need help with myself. I think there's something wrong with me because it feels so right to kill everyone who is in my way. If you could please show me the correct path, I would be honored. In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirt. Amen."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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