The Void Chronicles: Human Chapter

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Beneath all of them were multitudes of seats, stacked row upon row. And this was where the fate of humans would be decided. Crow Templeton sat in the back, with the other undesirables. The advocates from heaven and from hell had gotten the front seats, as they were more important in the eyes of God and Lucifer. His kind didn't have a place here, wanderers. People that didn't belong in heaven nor hell. An angel with large flowing black wings stood at the front. The scythe that resided on his back emanated a feeling of dread and uncertainty. His piercing blue eyes watched as creatures from all domains filed in, his gaze lingering on the group in the back. Alas that was where Crow sat. The angel in the front was named Azrael Nightingale, and was known as the Demonsbane. Crow shivered slightly and looked away, watching the ground instead.

It was then and only then that Lolita Corvus made an appearance. She glided into the room with a slight elegance in her step, as she watched her surroundings with a curious yet calculating gaze. Her face held nothing but a calm expression, though her lips were quirked into a gentle smile, which could have easily have been mistaken for a grimace. Her silver hair flowed behind her, following her with as much elegance as she, coming just shy of her hips. A black rose with blooming petals sat just before the fringe in her hair, Glowing with a black aura. Her black and white gothic dress swaying as she walked and her parasol held tightly In her hands. If anyone had seen her. She would have just been a mere child. Though it was the way she flaunted her presence that made others understand otherwise. Without a word, she quickly made her way to her seat. Sitting down, refraining from talking or even signalling that she acknowledged anyone. She merely observed, as she had been taught to.

Azrael watched the girl with quiet observation. He didn't take very well to young ones being near the front. But she was an exception, one of Hell's very own royalties. His wings fluttered in slight irritance, Lady Lucifer herself would be attending this meeting. As would God. He shook his head subtly, just enough that Crow could pick it out. Azrael was not fond of any creature. He waited patiently for everyone to file in, then the man himself came in. White mist filled the room and a robed figure walked in between the aisles, walking slowly and taking everything in. Azrael bowed his head humbly and waited for the man to seat himself before speaking. "Now that everyone has arrived...I believe now is the time to start this conference. If anybody has any objections speak now, before we lock the doors." He made direct eye contact with Lolita, as if asking if he may continue.

Lolita looked upon Azrael and studied him. A respectable man from her point of view. Though she refused to spend too much time studying him. At his unsaid question of permission to continue she rose a delicate pale hand to pause him in his speech. "Lady lucifer has yet to arrive" she spoke gently, and almost too quietly, her voice was softer than the winds and oh so innocent. Her eyes though, shone with great knowledge and experience. She turned her gaze after speaking and remained observing the others. Mainly the man who walked in. White mist trailing after him. God. She tensed and gritted her teeth slightly before taking a deep breath and sighing inaudibly. It was obvious to those who knew her, what her views on god were. She wasn't pleased, and she most certainly wasn't amused. Not a breath later a louder slam occurred beside Azrael. As well as the crumbling of the wall beside him. Rocks and rubble of debris crashed to the floor as a dark purple hue shone within the newly made hole in the wall. Lolita's eyes trailed to the shadowy figure that began to step out, long lucious blonde hair that hung daintily past her shoulders flickered through the light of the room as she stepped in. Bright red eyes gazing around with a smirk on her face. A blood red dress hugging her curves delicately as she watched the room in expectancy. As if waiting for chaos and commotion with amusement in her eyes. "Evening" she drawled in a curt yet sultry tone. Her eyes flickering to Azrael as she tilts her head slightly. "Apologies for being late. I had business to attend to" she never waited for him to say a word before sitting down in her rightful place. Completely dismissive of the presence of god.

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