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 Lolita sighed and began to set up a place in the middle where a fire could be. She then rose her palm and sent a small purple flame towards the spot. Lighting it up in a luminous fashion before it calmed and flickered gently. She then took out a blanket from her pouch and sat on it. Dawn stood behind her. Unknowing of whether to stay and support her sister or move back to where Azrael was and help with the clear up. Since Lolita was too weak to do anything but create the small fire. In the end of it all. She grabbed for her backpack and sat beside Lolita. Taking out her panther, she hugged at as she stared from the fire to her sister with longing.

Azrael set Crow down on the ground and moved to help Aboddan with the bodies. He looked at the man with mixed feelings. The man had slaughtered these soldiers, but hadn't turned on his companions. Despite how Azrael felt about Aboddan's lifestyle, it still proved how loyal he was.

Lolita watched the brothers at work, sighing. You could see the tension between them. And Lolita wasn't one to mess or meddle with other people's lives. In fact she preferred to stay within herself. And introvert almost. It was only when she needed to that she chose to speak. She felt her eyes drift down to dawn and shivered visibly. Was that what will become of her and dawns relationship? She had no reason to hate her sister except for the fact of hiding her identity from their mother. The mother that had searched through the souls in hell and the shadowlands far and wide for her. She was heartbroken, torn apart at the idea of losing her own child. Technically speaking they were cousins. But if you knew their mothers. And how their mothers came to be. You would understand why they were more like sisters.

Azrael set to work, pitching a tent and setting Crow inside, carefully removing arrows and cursing all the while, as Aboddan finished, he pitched his own tent and retreated inside, not saying a word. Ethan frowned, looking around. "Angry?" He shrugged, laying down on the ground and making himself comfortable. Azrael stayed with Crow.

 Lolita stared into the fire continuously.ignoring any gaze or attention dawn had given her. She was contemplating something, and she wasn't ignoring dawn purposely, she just didn't understand why she didn't understand that Lolita needed space. She wouldn't admit it. But she had never been in a situation like they were now and she needed time to adjust. With a sigh Lolita turned to dawn "go check on crow. Ok?" Dawn lips pulled into a frown before she nodded and stood up, walking over to the tent that Azrael and crow had gone into "mister Azrael? Is crow alright?" She whispered quietly.

Azrael looked at Dawn for a brief moment before standing up, walking outside of the tent. "He's fine, just needs rest, you all should go inside your tents, you did bring some right?" Upon the looks that he was getting, he sighed. "Of course not. Don't worry...I'll make a shelter, just like I did for Demetria." He smiled at the memory, and then winced, as if something painful had happened to him. "I'll get looking for firewood, somebody go keep an eye of Crow."

Dawn nodded and moved into the tent, looking around with a sigh as she watched over crow. A sad expression on her face "you were brave today crow" she nodded, knowing that with his self-esteem it had taken a lot of guts to do that. "You should be proud" she laid her panther next to him in show of support and comfort before smiling at him. Meanwhile Lolita lay on the floor the parasol covering her up and her body still covered with blisters from the hot sun. Her eyes closed as she breathed steadily. The rose in her hair falling out slightly as she curled into a ball. One of the only times she was relaxed and looked innocent.

Crow began to fuss slightly in his sleep, as if having a nightmare. Aboddan peaked his head into the tent and rolled his eyes, walking back outside of the tent, it wasn't his responsibility, and therefore he would not be responsible for Crow. He was chosen as an envoy of Lucifer, and by Satan, he would keep that promise. He looked down at Lolita, grabbing a large role of leather from his back and laying it over Lolita like a blanket. "Goodnight...quiet princess."

Lolita subconsciously snuggled into the leather, her body shivering slightly before sighing in some sort of relief and relaxation. The dark energy from her skin seemed to smother her and protect her in a way. Her silver hair sprawled out behind her in a messy and unkempt fashion. If she was awake she would have said thank you. She didn't like being looked after but what aboddan did was a gentle notion that would have made her smile. Meanwhile dawn had scooted closer to crow and placed a hand on his head, frowning at his tossing and turning. She didn't like it when people were upset. And she definitely didn't like it when people were having nightmares. Her hand began to glow white a bright light that illuminated the tent in a soft hum. Peace flowed through crow in a steady motion, like a calming wave after the storm. Before the light disappeared, and dawns eyes fluttered before closing, her body immobile as she remained up sitting with her hands in her lap. An angel by Crow’s side.

 Crow calmed as he awoke, his eyes were wide and he seemed slightly deranged "L-lolita! I-" He paused as he looked around, looking at Dawn and backing away slightly, he wondered if he had done something wrong. "D-dawn? I-I'm sorry...w-whatever I've done...P-please don't hurt me." He winced as he waited for her response.

Dawn's body remained prone. Her skin pale and crows body glowing as the calming feeling seemed to surround him. Her powers took a lot from her since she was trapped in a thirteen year olds body, whenever she used her powers she would have to shut down everything else in order to concentrate. And she wanted to help him. The panther beside crow flopped over slightly as he moved. Still but very warm and comfortable.

Crow frowned, calming slightly as he looked at Dawn. "D-dawn? Are you okay? The last thing I remember was B-Balthazar...and...I-is​ Lolita okay?" He stood upright, wavering slightly, then steadying himself. He saw the glow and smiled at her. "T-thank you. For helping me...W-where is everyone?"

Dawn gasped as she suddenly jolted out of her power induced sleep when crow moved. She blinked slightly before looking up at crow and smiling. "I'm fine! That usually happens. No worries. Oh and everyone's retreated to their tents. Sister told me to check up on you. Just to make sure your alright" she nodded and picked up the panther before passing It to him. "Frank isn't much help, but he's warm and it'll make you feel better" she was slightly paler than usual but other than that her purple eyes gleamed as she smiled at him happily

Dawn frowned and shuffled closer to crow, pouting. "But crow. You need to rest. I may have helped a tiny bit but your still injured. I don't need sleep" she then yawned before blushing. "I'm not tired I promise. I just used a lot of energy. But I don't need to sleep" she said slowly and with uncertainty in her voice. She looked him in the eyes and frowned. "What's wrong?"

Something seemed to be moving in Crow's back and he shook his head. "Dawn. Go to sleep. I'm going to take first watch." He smiled again, this time turning his back to her. He looked up at the sky. "It's a nice night..."

Dawn sighed before nodding and crawling over to the place he slept. "Fine" she grumbled. " but I'm stealing your bed" she stick her tongue out at him and snuggled into the blanket drifting off quickly but only after saying "goodnight crow" her soft features losing the tension and worry in them. And became a replica almost like Lolita's but there was a significant difference between their features as well.

Crow sighed as black wings flared out of his back. He rolled his head to the side, looking back where Dawn slept. He laughed quietly. She was so quiet and demure, he then looked over at Lolita, walking over and bending down next to her. She had been amazing to him that day, and he promised he would help her. He sat down and moved hair out of her face. He whispered in her ear. "Thank you...So much Lolita Corvus. You have probably just saved the human race." He stood again and flew up to perch up on a tree, watching over the camp, never waking a single person in the camp for their shifts, instead taking theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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