The First Day

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The following morning, Crow waited outside the front gate, waiting for everyone to show up. Ethan was next to him and helped to set Crow's mind at ease. He looked down towards the buildings to see Azrael and Dawn walking towards them, the scythe on Azrael's back seeming to pull darkness into it, making the light around them brighter. The Archangel nodded once before looking back towards the building. He had a bag slung over one shoulder that would make grabbing his scythe easier if a fight arose. Crow turned to look at the sky, the moon could still be seen in the early morning, and the sky was a deep light blue. Crow liked it.

Dawn skipped beside Azrael a small white backpack on her back, the panthers head stuck out of it as if looking over her shoulder. Her eyes gleamed and showed nothing of what she endured the night before. She waved at crow and Ethan and smiled. "Hello. It's nice to meet you. I haven't officially introduced myself but my name is Dawn Corvus" she bowed and giggled before leaning in close and peering at Ethan curiously. "Who's your friend?" Whilst this was occurring Lolita and Aboddan arrived. Lolita's parasol was again, cast over her face so that no one could see her. And her a small pouch of things hung on her hip as she approached

Ethan smiled, pointing at himself. "Ethan! Ethan friend!" Crow smiled faintly at the two of them. Ethan was his best friend, and he couldn't ever imagine being without him, thankfully he never was. He nodded at Dawn and bowed slightly. Introducing himself before turning to look at Lolita and Aboddan. Aboddan had a similar large dark scythe on his back, and a bag slung over his shoulder in similar fashion. He rolled his eyes at Ethan and glared at Azrael before looking at everyone. Ethan roared happily. "Ethan lead!" And with that, Ethan started walking down a trail, a large black coffin strapped to his back.

Lolita followed silently, once again observing the others as they followed Ethan. She didn't need to introduce herself. And she didn't feel like it. She just wanted this all to be over and soon. She wanted to be back where she belonged. She looked towards Dawn, how she skipped happily and hummed a sweet tune to herself. The panthers head lolling back and forth as she bounced. She wished silently in her mind that there was a better time for her to bond but the time they had during this mission wasn't appropriate. She sighed and clutched onto her parasol tightly, trying to keep her expressions in the shadows.

Crow slowly fell to the back of the group, watching everyone from behind. If anybody were to make a move he would be able to stop them before anything went wrong. He sounded like a prison guard, he thought. He watched Lolita carefully, she was pretty, beautiful really, his eyes watching her as she walked, focusing in on her. Out of the two, her and Aboddan, he was more afraid of her.

 "You know" Lolita started. Directing her gaze slyly towards crow. "You are not very inconspicuous with your gaze crow" her lifted up into a simple smile, one that was rare before she hummed and turned her gaze to the sky. "If you wish to talk to me all you have to do is ask. Or are you merely observing? I find it better to do so on these occasions" she paused, realising she was talking slightly too much, which was out of character, she gently cleared her throat and scanned her eyes around their surroundings as they moved forward. She wiped the small sweat from her eyebrow and then kept her gaze on the ground. Dawn continued humming before glancing at Lolita and sighing. She would heed to her sisters wishes. Only because she respected her and the privacy she wished for.

Crow nodded to himself, looking off at the side of the road, not thinking about Lolita. If he was to adventure with everyone, he would need to meet them all. And Lolita seemed the easiest to open up too...she hadn't threatened to gut him. Hadn't called him names, and he didn't have to worry about hurting her. Dawn looked so fragile, he had thought about talking to her, but he was afraid he might upset her. "U-Um Lolita?"

Lolita slowed her pace and walked alongside crow. Looking at him with a calm gaze out of the corner of her eyes. She tilted her parasol slightly so that he could see her features, her silver hair was in slight curls and seemed to bounce alongside her as she strolled by. "You don't have to be shy either. Think of me as a companion. A harmless companion. You act as if I'll hurt you" her lips again, quirk into a smile, her skin was pale and cold looking, yet tiny insignificant beads of sweat lingered near her steady brow. "What is it you wished to ask me crow?"

The Void Chronicles: Human ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now