5- Forgot something

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"I'm sorry." His tone was as soft as his facial expression. I held myself back from gulping in surprise and settled on blinking twice. He sighed, before gently placing his forehead on mine.

He let go of my wrists and the hand that held them settled on my hip. I didn't know what to do, but I was sure I didn't want to pull away. Which was stupid of me, considering the fact that he broke into my home. His eyes were still closed when he pulled his head away. I took my time to admire his handsome face, wishing we would've met differently.

What the heck am I thinking? I didn't know the guy and from the looks of it, he didn't want me to get to know him. I mean, he didn't even tell me his name. I looked back into his eyes, only to see them staring directly into my soul. The hand that was on my neck, moved downwards and I felt my heartbeat quicken again. His fingers were on my towel and I placed my hands around his wrist, not really knowing what I wanted.

We both knew where this was leading and I found myself adjusting to that thought. But did I want him to be my first?! A stranger who broke into my house, fights and glares at me whenever he sees me? Even though I knew all of that, something in my mind told me that I wouldn't regret it.

I looked up into his eyes and saw he had a determined look in his grey eyes. I only now noticed what a pretty colour his eyes had. After what felt like minutes of simply staring at him, he tugged on my towel. Upon seeing my reaction, which consisted if not resisting, he licked his lips and looked down at his working hand. With one swift motion, my towel became undone and I felt exposed.

"Don't." He rasped out when I was about to cover myself with my hands. His eyes didn't leave mine when he pulled his hands away and took his jacket off. His shirt came off next and I gulped. I already knew his body was muscular, but close up, I could actually see the outlines of his muscles under all these tattoos.

His hands were on my hips again and his mouth hovered above mine. I wanted him to kiss me, but all he did was watch me. Watch my reaction, as if making sure I didn't regret my decision. Suddenly I really wanted him. His hands were on my waist, drawing circles with their thumbs when I moaned impatiently. He smirked, before licking his lips and leaning in.

The moment our lips touched, I felt a shot of electricity erupt in my body and it ended right in my core. Oh God. His warm and moist lips caressed mine in a slow and sweet pace. I let his tongue invade my mouth and felt my knees give him. So I wrapped my arms around his neck and Prince Charming chuckled against my mouth, before lifting me off the ground with ease.

My legs went around his waist and his breath hitched, reminding me that I was butt ass naked. I smirked and he stopped kissing me before throwing me on my bed. I squealed when my back hit the warm covers and watched the handsome man in front of me fidget with his belt. When he got rid of his pants, my eyes focused on the bulge in his boxer briefs.

Oh God. Was I really about to do this?

He took his shoes off and was back on top of me. I moaned when his mouth settled on my neck. One of his hands supported his weight above my head whilst the other slowly crept towards my chest. It was so close, but he didn't touch me, just stayed right under my boob. I groaned and arched my back. His mouth found mine again and I kissed him back eagerly. What is happening to me?

"Please." I begged against his lips, making him smirk again. He bit my bottom lip and pulled on it, before kissing me again. Then I felt his big hand cupping my chest and let out a moan. He broke the kiss and looked down at his hand that was now playing with my nipple. Finally! I closed my eyes at the sensation and moaned in delight.

"Fuck." I heard him hiss and then felt him pull my covers from under us, over our bodies. I opened my eyes again to see him staring down at me. His hand left my chest as he pulled away to get rid of his boxers. My breathing quickened and I gulped at his proud length. Oh my.

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