9- So complicated

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The security and Jason mirrored my action after seeing Elijah stand right behind me. I didn't have to turn my head in order to know that he was pissed. I couldn't move, I sat frozen on the ground looking at my brother, who finally slid off the guard slowly.

The security guard was the first one to gain courage as he straightened his back with a cleared throat.
"Sir." He greeted and seconds later I felt two warm hands under my arms. I let him help me stand up without turning to look at him.

"Sir? That's all you have to say?" Elijah's hands left me and he walked past me, towards the guard and Jason. The guard lowered his head in shame and I saw Elijah's head turn towards my brother.

"What do you have to say?" He asked, his tone as stern as if he was talking to a child. Jason's eyes widened, before he glanced at me.
"I was just helping my sister out." My eyes widened before they glared at him.

"You're a bitch for blaming it on your sister." Elijah said and I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at Jason's surprised expression.
"But-" Elijah held up a hand, before walking past them. He took a towel out of his locker, acting as if he were alone.

"You two leave." He glared at my brother and the guard, before setting his eyes on me.
"You stay." He was still glaring and I gulped when he walked into another door. I was guessing he was going to shower. Jason looked at me and I sighed, before nodding.

"I'll wait outside." He said and I watched him and the guard leave. Elijah looked furious and even if I left now, he would most likely break into my house again. And we both know what happened after. So better get it over with now. I knew I didn't want anything to do with him anymore, so better tell him now before I changed my moody mind. I really worried about my mental health lately.

I sighed and sat down on the bench in front of the lockers. I mean, why the heck did I let him take my virginity?! Yes, he's hot and so damn interesting. But I wasn't planning on becoming like Stacey. Someone who enjoys sex and does it regularly just for fun. I actually wanted to be married first and then have sex with the only purpose of having children. It's actually laughable how naive I was.

Before I could continue inwardly laughing at myself I heard footsteps walking towards me. I stood up and turned to see Elijah in a towel that hung low around his hips. Oh, gosh. The water was dripping down his pumped up chest and I hated myself for thinking about...stuff.

Elijah didn't say a word as he came to stop in front of me. I kept my gaze on his chest when I felt him invade my privacy. He was so close, I could smell his coconut shampoo. I could feel his body warmth.

I felt his finger under my chin, lifting it up so I looked into his grey eyes. He leaned down and his warm lips met mine. We shared a long and passionate kiss and my mind went numb. He pushed me against the side of the locker and I felt his hands fidget with my coat. He wanted it off and I realized what we were doing. Gosh, get a grip!

I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away roughly. Elijah stumbled backwards and shot me a surprised look. What was I doing?! Damn it. I got away from the lockers and took a few steps away from him, building a save distance between us.

"No! We're not doing this again. I didn't come here for that." I said, pointing my index finger at him. I looked at my purse that was on the floor and picked it up, before trying to open it again. Ugh! I got frustrated and slammed the purse against Elijah' chest.

"Lilah, calm down. What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, pulling the purse away from me.
"No, I won't calm down! What do you think you're doing? I haven't seen you in two weeks and you kiss me as if nothing happened." I snapped.

"If we're not going to fuck, let me get dressed first." He had the nerve to growl at me. I opened my mouth to scowl at him, but he already started taking his towel off. I turned around swiftly, a blush creeping up my cheeks. I heard him chuckle, which reminded me of what he said and I crossed my arms over my chest.

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