6- Who is he

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My eyes shot open the next morning. I just dreamed about being pregnant and realized I didn't see Prince Charming put on a condom. Please let my dream be wrong!

I gulped when I felt his front press against my back. Somehow I felt relieved upon seeing that he was still here. I turned around slowly, careful not to wake him up. Because I wasn't able to face him yet.

When I managed to turn in his arms without him waking up, I took my time to look at his peaceful face. His lips were pouting and his long eyelashes along with the innocent look on his face almost made him look like an angel. I brought my hand up to run my fingers through his brown, thick hair and to my utter relief, he didn't wake up.

I took in a deep breath, before letting my hands wander downwards, towards the reason why I turned around in the first place. I felt his hard muscles when I passed his stomach. Then I finally got to the area I was hoping to find covered, but I didn't. Oh god. I panicked and felt around. Maybe he lost it during his sleep.

I heard a groan and felt Prince Charming's face snuggle into my hair.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his morning voice even sexier than his normal one.

I froze, because I felt him twitch in my hands and quickly let go.
"Where's the condom?" I got to the point and then I felt his breath hitch. Oh no.
"I- I didn't use one." He informed me and I sat up in order to have a good look at him.

"You didn't use one? What do you mean 'you didn't use one'?!" I snapped and he had the nerve to roll his eyes.
"I mean, I did not use a fucking condom." He turned his body away from me and closed his eyes again.

"Hey!" I didn't even know his name, what possessed me to have sex with him?! I suddenly remembered why he annoyed me so much. I pushed his back, but he didn't react at all. I stood up, wrapped the towel from last night around my body and walked over to the window. I opened the blinds and my eyes hurt from the brightness.

I picked up the closest object and threw it at the sexy stranger in my bed. He groaned and then turned to glare at me, only to have him rub his eyes soon after.
I placed my hands on my hips and stood at the end of the bed.

"Will you calm down? I'll buy you the morning pill in a second. Just let me wake up." He growled and I scoffed.
"And an STD test, thank you." He stopped rubbing his face and sat up after hearing my words.

"STD? I don't have that." He stated and I snorted sarcastically.
"Yes, I'll take your word for it. Ever heard of 'it's better to be safe than sorry'?" I asked him and he clenched his jaw.

"I don't have any STD's." He stated again.
"Have you ever taken a test?" I asked him.
"No, but I don't need to." He said convinced.

"Oh, so running around and having unprotected sex with women doesn't make you feel a little urged to get a test?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't usually have unprotected sex. It just slipped my mind last night." He frowned and I shook my head.
"And I'm Santa Claus." I said, making him close his eyes in frustration.

"Okay, you get the damn test. Just stop being a bitch already." He snapped and I glared at him.
"Stop being a bitch? You do realize you could've become a father if I wouldn't have noticed. I could become a damn mother because of this little mistake." I threw my hands in the air.

"Mistake? So you do regret it, huh?" He stood up, not bothering to cover himself. He neared me and I sighed.
"That's not what I meant." I looked into his grey eyes.

"What did you mean then?" He glared down at me. I had trouble coming up with something and he sensed that and when I heard him chuckle sarcastically I looked back up at him.
"Okay, Lilah." He said and clenched his jaw.

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