Two Turdle Doves (ROTG - Jack Frost x Reader)

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You swung you legs back and forth as you sat on the edge of the deck.  You cousin Jamie stood nervously behind you.  "This isn't a good idea Y/N."  He said, shifting his feet.  You rolled your eyes and laughed.  "Relax my man.  I've done this plenty of times before!"  Jamie looked to his side and shrugged, as if talking to someone.  You tilted your head in confusion but since you saw nothing, you assumed he was just shivering against the wind.  "Here I go!"  You yelled, standing up on the railing.  Then, aiming for a bright orange sled on a pile of snow below, you jumped off.  The wind rushed by your face as you fell a good 10 feet to the ground, landing hard on the sled.  The force of your land shifted the small amount of snow keeping the sled in place and you began to slide down the hill.  "Whooohoooooooooo!"  You cried out, sticking your hands up in the air.
Jamie quickly ran to the edge of the deck and watched your descend down the hill.  He cringed and looked to where his friend Jack stood beside him.  Jack was laughing and clutching his sides.  "No way... THAT is awesome!"  Jamie looked back at the guardian of fun it a sort of confused, disappointed look.  "Jack do something!  What if she gets hurt?"  Jack looked down as you neared the bottom, still screaming.  "I think she'll do fine."  He said.  Jamie gave him a look as he sighed.  Ruffling Jamie's hair,  Jack spoke.  "Okay... I'll help.  Man you don't make my job easy."  Jamie grinned.  "Thanks Jack!"  He said, pulling open the door to the deck.  "I'll meet you down there!"  Jack smiled then jumped down, feeling the wind float him down to the bottom of the hill gently.
You lay still at the bottom, grinning and taking deep breaths.  Jack stood by your fallen form, looking down at your face.  Your eyes looked past him, up at the snow covered trees above.  Jack frowned.  He knew she couldn't see him.  Looking up, he followed your gaze to the branches.  Jack looked over his shoulder to see Jamie making his way down the hill.  Jack raised his eyebrow and smirked. 
Using the wind, Jack leapt up into the branches of the trees.  He landed on a branch and looked down.  Hitting the snow with his staff, he pushed the snow off the tree.  It fell down and hit you in the face.  "Gah!"  You screeched as the snow hit you in the face.  Wiping the snow from your eyes you opened them to reveal the bright blue eyes of a stranger.  "GAH!!!"  You let out a louder yell and shoved the boy down into the snow.  The boy laughed and that's when you noticed he wasn't wearing any shoes.  In fact, all he was wearing was a blue sweatshirt and some brown pants while you sat there in a scarf, hat, winter jacket, winter boots, and winter pants.  The large stick he was carrying around fell to his side.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jamie stop in surprise at the sight of the boy sitting on the ground.  "Who are you?  You asked the boy.  He grinned and showed is pearly white teeth.  "That's Jack."  Jamie said, walking up to the two of you.  "You mean your imaginary friend Jack?"  You asked, tilting your head.  "Hey!"  Jack said, jumping up.  You looked him over for a moment.  "Jack, Jack Frost."  He said, sticking out a hand.  "Guardian of fun."  Your eyes widened.  "Y-Y/N... Y/N Bennett.  But how can you be Jack Frost?  It's the like... A fictional character?"  Jack narrowed his eye for a second.  "Fictional?  I beg to differ."  Then he picked up his staff and swept the air with his staff.  In the air a flock of frosted doves formed and flew through the air.  Jamie laughed as if he had seen things like this every other day but you stood there silent, mouth catching the soft snow that was falling form the sky as it hung wide open in shock.  Two of the doves flew down and landed on either one of your shoulders.
Jack grinned and faced you.  "Believe in me now sweetheart?"  He asked.  You looked from Jamie to him to the doves multiple times.  "Wha- what th..."  Before you could say anymore you fell to the ground.  Jack and Jamie looked down at your unconscious form.  The two looked at one another and cringed.  "Um... Should we carry her inside or something?"  Jack asked.

A/N: Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.  Another chapter another day.  Not all these are based on Jack Frost unfortunately. :D. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  It was based off an actual experience I had a few years ago minus the Jack part.  Like snow randomly fell on my face and I was look OMG JACK but I didn't see anything.  Anyway, can't wait to write another chapter.
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (a Jelsa shipper and I don't care what you say I'm not changing my mind I don't had to defend myself the age difference isn't creepy he's like 300 but really 17 dudes got married at 17 at that time)

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