~~~little Humor and romance~~~

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she shocked her head "i escaped before he could .....touch me" she said it quietly but they still heard and sighed in relief.

Momoko looked outside to see it pitch black, she jumped up and grabbed her clothes "it's so late my parents are going to ground me!" before she could leave Brick blocked her path and dragged her back to the couch. "your not going back to that fucked up house"

"LANGUAGE!"2x the blue team was ignored, "why not?" Brick sighed after what you told us i'm never letting you out of my sight again" he smiled at her gently causing her to blush and soon he realized what he just said and the two red's face match a tomato.

Butch smirked and tapped Kaoru arm he gave her a knowing smile and she understood an got into place. Kaoru sat next to Momoko and had a dreamy look in her eyes "oh,Brick you made me so happy" she said with a girly voice, Butch keeled in front of her "oh Momoko my love i will do anything for you" 

They glanced at the others to see Boomer and Miyako giggling quietly, Brick was looking anywhere but at Momoko who suddenly found her fingers interesting. Kaoru smiled at Butch in success that their little skit worked.

Butch watched as Kaoru smiled at he just couldn't stop himself he grabbed her hand and gently kissed it. He glanced up to see her shocked face before a fist met his face. "w-why did you...i -i ugh!" she threw her hands in the air in frustration before sitting back down.

He smiled and walked towards her and lightly patted her head "well since it late shall me and Boomer walk you home?" she did't answer but instead nodded and left after hugging Momoko and a threat towards Brick "you hurt her and i'll kill you" he paled at her words and nodded.

Miyako smiled and hugged her and soon hugged brick "same ok" Brick was definitely expecting a bigger threat but the tone in her voice scared him shit less.

They soon left the house leaving the two red's alone,Brick stood up and offered his hand to her, "i'll show you where you'll be sleeping" she nodded and grabbed his hand following him to the guest room.

Before he could leave the room she called his name "yes?" Momoko was nervous he could tell, "breathe ok it'll be alright" she nodded and breathed in and out. "um... those two kids what did they want from me?"

He didn't answer right away but instead smiled sadly at her "i can not tell you unless your friends are here, i'm sorry" She shooked her head quickly, "no! don't be sorry you helped me a lot today.....thank you" she said quietly 

Brick smiled and leaned down gently kissing her forehead, "goodnight Momoko"

he left the room but he could definitely see the blushing girl who whispered a small goodnight.


um.....i'm not really good with romance......maybe i should've added some horror i'm good with romance only when there's horror.......oh well this was my first try hope you all liked it.

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