Letting go

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This is probably the hardest thing to do. Over the past year I have fell deeply in love with the blond haired boy in front of me. How could I not? He was by my side at all times and was the only one who truly knew my feelings.
"Izzy, you don't have to say some long speech about how much I mean to you, you just don't. I know how you feel-"
"No Ryan," I cut him off, "you don't know how I feel. I know that I shouldn't even be saying this to you right now. I'm about to be gone in just a few hours. But I don't care, when I found out that I was going to die, everything changed. I no longer wanted to hide my feelings, I didn't want to put up a fake front and make you all happy. I just wanted to die in peace. So that is why I am telling you that I am so deeply and utterly in love with you it hurts just thinking about it. I love how you snort when you laugh, your one dimple on your left cheek, how your whole body shivers when you're cold, the warm and secure feeling you give just by your presence, I love everything about you. And I would completely understand if you don't feel the same wa-, "my sentence was cut off by a pair of soft lips. This kiss was something I could never dream of. It sent tingles and pressure to my whole body. Our lips move together in complete synchrony. I know that I shouldn't be kissing him but I didn't care, this is what I want. With that in mind I put everything left in my body into the kiss.
"Oh Rob, I told you they would always end up together," we quickly pull apart and cower away from each other.
"I'm sorry Hun," says my dad "if we would have known, we wouldn't have came in."
"Oh speak for yourself Rob," my mother chimes in.
"Guys I think it's time, I can feel it."
I felt like my whole body was a cloud slowly flowing in the wind. It actually wasn't a bad feeling, it was rather peaceful.
"I love you baby," my mom cries.
"Take care sweetie, I love you," my dad chokes out while comforting my mom.
Ryan comes to lay on my bed with me and pulls me close to him.
"I love you so much Izzy," he chokes out while kissing me on the head.
"Ryan, please move on after me," I plead.
He just looks at me and hands me my mint green pillow.
I turn my pillow over to see the words Keep Holding On, written. Ryan gave me this when I first was diagnosed, as a reminder that cancer would not defeat me, I would defeat it. Since that day, I've kept it ever since. I like to think that cancer did not defeat me; cancer only wins when we let it.
I feel a sense of peace take over and with my last breath I whisper, "I'm letting go..."

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