Chapter One

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I sat in the dark with Dominic holding me- his attempt to force away my bad dreams, I still hadn't told him that my latest haunting vision was about his twin sister. I also hadn't emailed her. I mean, how do you tell someone something like that? I couldn't.

Instead I would stop it from happening. Poor Jack. I blinked back the tears and I tried to focus on something else. I let my mind drift back to when I first had the dream- the plane ride over to my new home in Italy. That was a shocker. I thought of how my scream caused quite a commotion. Poor pilots. I shook my head at the memory of it. Dom took it as a sign that I wasn't any better and held me tighter. Dom is so good to me. He was the first in, didn't ask me any questions- only held me, and then quietly handed me a sheet of paper I had fallen asleep reading- Mike's letter. Mike's letter.

I closed my eyes. I could easily see his distinct scrawl. It seemed as though the words would forever be burned on to the backs of my eyelids.

Dearest Emma.

I don't know where you're going, I didn't ask- I couldn't. I knew if I had known I'd find you. I'm sure you think I'm letting you go without even a word, but surely you know me better than that. I'll never really let you go. I love you no matter what happens or who appears. I know I hurt you. Shit! I hurt myself. I don't expect this to make it any better. It will probably make it worse. I don't want it to. I just want you to know the truth.

My time with you was the best I've ever had. You are a part of me. I mean if it wasn't for you I'd be dead- both inside and in real life. For that I'm forever indebted to you. Even if you won't admit it. I wish I could be around you to pay you back all the joy and happiness you gave me. But I can't turn my back on my responsibilities, just as you can't. I've heard the stories now, as I'm sure you've too, I know you're nothing like the vampires from the old tales- I've seen it in so many of your actions. I just want peace for our people, even if it means...

If you need me, you'll always be able to find me. Look and you shall see. I know you're leaving, I'm gonna miss ya Em! I don't really know what's next for me. I think my parents want me to attend our kind's school, you probably have to do the same thing. We apparently have a lot of them all over the world. There's one in Ireland. Maybe I'll go end up there with my family and Acacia's.

I really hope that all of this works out for both of us and we don't end up as the prophecy says. But hey, if we do, we can at least know that we'll be making a better world for what we leave behind. Got to make light of it, right?

Anyways, I hope you get all you want and that your new life is everything you could want.

Please take care of yourself. I'll miss you. I'll always love you.



I blinked away the fresh tears. Evil bastard saying goodbye like that! I hadn't even looked at our shared journal, instead it sat on my desk glaring at me.

Mia bella. It is all okay. The dream is gone. Maybe if you talked about it you'd feel better.” His words hung around me like a poisonous gas.

How do I tell you your sister might die? I looked at him with pleading eyes.

Emma. His mental probe was like a gentle knock on my well-barricaded mind.

I turned and looked at him. The tears escaped from their prisons and slid down my cheeks.

His hand felt cool on my cheek. Mia bella, whatever it is- we can deal with it. Surely, it can't be something we can't handle together. He raised his blonde brow at me.

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