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(19 years ago)

It was the darkest of all nights and the hunt had begun. The glorious light of the moon was shining bright spreading its silver glow throughout the forest and not a single animal moved for they all knew what was going to happen. The ground shook as the pack tore through the forest and emerging first through the shadow was the Alpha. His amber eyes glowed and his snout twitched as he breathed in the damp, fresh air. He growled a loud howl and in response a hundred other roars were heard. Then beside him another wolf appeared, blue eyes and the whitest coat of fur- his mate and the Luna of the pack. Both wolves shared a glance and as their eyes met they shared a conversation.

Are you ready? The Alpha asked. As ready as I will ever be. His mate replied. In the darkness of the night and the deadly silence it seemed that the wolf was laughing as his amber eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Bring me something worthwhile, he added at last before turning to address the line of wolves that had emerged from the forest and stood ready for the long awaited order.

In the glory of the full moon, under the protection of the moon goddess, I, Alpha Kronex, lead our pack the Crescent Moon, on its 113th annual hunt. A chorus of howls responded to the announcement and a second later both the Luna and the Alpha titled back their heads and released an echoing howl before they dispersed into the darkness, followed by their pack.

It was custom of the Crescent pack that both the Alpha and the Luna should split and hunt on their own. When the hunt was over they reunited and in front of their pack they will gift each other with the product of their hunt. Knowing this, the Alpha rubbed his fur against his mates and playfully bit her neck. Be safe, he said and she nodded before turning and running in the opposite direction only accompanied by the Beta's Mate.

Both female wolves ran around, playfully knocking into each other and jumping over fallen branches. It feels good to finally run like this, the Beta female said as she dodged a fallen branch. The Luna cast her glance, she agreed. The wind in her fur and the soft forest bed beneath her paws were an indescribable feeling. Suddenly the females stopped when they heard the snap of a twig.

Can you smell that? The Beta female asked as she held her snout to the air. The Luna did the same- rabbit.

Both wolves slowly approached the animal and just as the Luna was about to pounce the rabbit became aware of the danger and sprinted off into a cave.

Damn it. The Luna followed the rabbit and made her way into the cave, the Beta Female just behind her. It was just when they noticed the rabbit they heard the cry. It wasn't a pained cry of an injured person calling for help. No, this was the cry of a baby. Both females looked at each other but before the Beta female could advice otherwise the Luna was gone. Running deeper into the cave, ignoring the hunt she followed the cry and before she knew it, she was standing in front of a cardboard box. Peering through the top she noticed the outstretched little hand, a curled up fist and a mop of dirty black hair. The little child was lying of a piece of cloth, completely naked, and screaming at the top of its lungs. Unintentionally the Luna shifted and kneeling on the wet ground, equally as naked as the child she reached into the box and lifted the child into her arms.

"My god." She whispered as she held the child to her chest. The baby was ice cold and the Luna wondered how the child wasn't dead already. The baby clung onto the Luna desperately seeking any warmth that it could.

"Alexia!" a voice called and a second later the Beta female emerged and noticing the Luna on the ground, quickly rushed to her.

"Alexia don't do th-" The woman stopped talking as she noticed the baby in her Luna's arms.

"Samy, this baby wa- she was here in the cold and sh- I don't" finding it difficult to even speak she stood up. "We need to get her to the pack doctor".

"Alexia" Samy grabbed the Luna's arm and held her back, "look at her, she is human."

"Exactly and if we don't get her medical help she will die." Samy noticed how tightly Alexia was holding the child; she noticed the determined gaze and she knew that if she tried to stop Alexia, she was going to lose. So she stepped aside and watched as her best friend ran out of the cave and in the direction of the pack house.

The hunt had already finished but she wasn't back yet.

The Alpha paced around waiting for his mate to return. The rest of the packs were also waiting and there was a sense of anxiousness as they waited for their Luna. The Alpha shifted and immediately grabbed the trousers that were given to him.

"Where is she?" he growled as he tried for the hundredth time to get through the mental block that his mate had put up. Just as he had decided to return to the forest to search for her, a figure rushed out of the darkness.

"Alexia!" he exclaimed as relief flushed over him. He grabbed a blanket and rushed over to her, only stopping when he noticed what she was carrying.

"Jacob" she whispered as she slowly approached him, but his eyes were solely on the baby bundled in her arms.


"She needs help, right now" Alexia interrupted, ignoring her mate and running towards the pack house.


Alexia stopped and her arms tightened around the child who was turning a light shade of purple, now wheezing, struggling to breathe. She turned to her mate.

"What did you say?"

Jacob stared right into Alexia's bright blue eyes, the same shade as her wolfs and he shook his head.

"The child is human, Alexia. It has human parents who, when they notice their child is gone will come hunting for whoever took it. And when they do they will find us and I can't deal with that kind of problem." He apologetically glanced at the child before turning to Jhorn, his Beta, "get rid of it."

A snarl came from Alexia, when Jhorn cautiously took a step forward. She held the child to her chest and her blue eyes glowed as she said "if you want the child, then you have to go through me first."

"ALEXA!!" Jacob growled making the rest of the pack take a step back.

"JACOB!" Alexia screamed back, making the child let out a cry. The Alpha clutched at his dark hair and he closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, they were calm and he walked over to his mate and when he was a foot away he reached over and gently moved a strand of hair away from the child's face. The Alpha took in the big brown eyes, chubby cheeks that were purple and her tiny pouty lips before looking at his mate.

"Take her to the doctor"

Without a second to waste, Alexia rushed off into the house and the rest of the pack dispersed realizing quickly that the Alpha had nothing else to say.

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