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     "Is it true?"

I stirred and opened my eyes. The light in my room was turned off but the room opposite the glass was still lit up and I could hear my father's voice. Just as I was about to sit up I heard another voice- Dr Kahled.

"Yes. She isn't getting any better, in fact it seems like she is getting worse and there is nothing we can do to prevent it."

My father let out a growl and I decided it would be better to stay in the bed, pretending to be asleep.

"So what is your plan?" My father asked the Doctor.

"The next step I believe is to ask Eve. Its time she took control of her own life." My eyes flew open and I stayed still, lying motionless as I continued to listen to my father argue with the Doctor.

"Are you suggesting that I let my daughter die?" he growled "Are you telling me that you can't save the Alphas daughter?!" My father's snarls made my hairs stand on end and I tried to maintain my breathing.

There was a loud 'thud' and a frightened gasp and I quickly sat up slightly and watched with wide eyes as my father grabbed Dr Kahled by the neck and pushed him up against the wall. Even though there wasn't much light to judge by, I could clearly see the blood drain from the Doctors face and an overwhelming urge to stop my father and to save the Doctor built up in my body.

"You are lucky that you are good at your job, otherwise I would have no problem letting my wolf rip you into shreds." My dad let go of Dr Kahled who quickly slid down the wall and crumbled onto the floor. I quickly fell back into my bed and closed my eyes tightly feigning sleep.

"Don't you dare mutter a word about what we discussed to the Luna or to my daughter. If you do I will rip out your tongue and feed your dead body to the dogs." My heart thumped against my chest like an African drum and I held my breath praying for Dr Kahled safety. I had never seen my father so angry and suddenly I realised why he was the Alpha of the biggest pack in the country.

There was a silence before with a final growl my father left the room.

That night I didn't sleep. I tossed and turned but sleep evaded me and finally when I did manage to close my eyes it was already morning and Dr Kahled was outside my room with the usual tin of tablets.

However this time it was different. I stared at the five tablets in my hand and then glanced over to Dr Kahled who watched me carefully. I noticed a blue bruise around his neck but knowing what happened last night I decided not to ask.

I sighed, what was the point in these tablets if I wasn't getting better? Dr Kahled noticed my unusual hesitation and approached the glass.

"Eve, you must take the tablets" he said, worry lacing his voice. He had every right to be worried. Not for my health but for his. If my father found out I wasn't taking my tablets he would think that Dr Kahled had told me about the lack of progress in my health and that would be enough for my father to carry out last night's threat. However as I stared at the pills in my hands I couldn't find the strength to put them into my mouth. Why? Why should I? Dr Kahled knocked on the glass trying to get my attention but I ignored him and placed the pills back in the metal tin and left them on the table before turning to the Doctor.

"Can you please call in my parents?" I ask, while Dr Kahled looks around confused.

"Yes of course I can Eve, but first take your tablets." He nodded to the table but I shook my head.

"No, I want to speak with my parents first." There was a silence.

"Eve I think it's better if yo-" I interrupted him.

"Dr Kahled, remember who you are talking to. Despite my respect for you, you will understand that I am the Alphas daughter and if you want to keep your life you will listen to me." My voice had managed to stay levelled and I watched as fear flashed in his eyes before he bowed and apologised. Regret pulsed through my body. Oh God I feel so bad. I hate using my status to gain advantage on others but in situations such as this, my title was the only power I had.

"I will bring your parents as soon as I can." And with that the Doctor rushed of leaving me staring into an empty room.

My parents stood opposite me and I smiled at both of their apprehensive faces. It had been so long since I had seem my parents together in the same room, standing side by side looking like the powerful couple they were known as. Even as a human I could still feel the power radiate of them.

"Eve?" My father started and my eyes locked with his grey orbs. I had always envied my parents eyes. My mother's blue ones enhanced her gorgeous looks and my father's clear grey ones made it look like he could see into your souls. My brown ones were nothing compared to theirs.

"Darling what's wrong?" My mother asked.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I want to stop my medication." Silence.

"No." Both my parents answered in unison and I held back a smile.

I approached the glass and held my palm against it. I glanced to my mother and knew that what I was going to say next was going to break her heart.

"Daddy, I heard you talking to Dr Kahled last night." My mother looked at my father with questions lingering in her eyes. "I heard him tell you that there was no hope and that I wasn't getting better. He said it was up to me to choose what to do and I choose to stop the medication and leave the sterile room."

My mother gasped as she fell to her knees. I could see her cry and in pain I clutched my chest, my heart was breaking but thinking logically I knew this was the right decision.

"Dr Kahled said a lot of things but I assure you by the time I am finished with him he won't be saying anything." There was growl in his voice and I watched as his eyes turned obsidian. It was frightening but I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

"Don't!" I pleaded, "Father please don't hurt him. He has saved my life on several occasions. You know that without him I wouldn't even be standing here." I watched the normal colour of his eyes return and as his fist unclenched.

"No...No. No" I crouched down by my mother. "I'm not letting you leave this room Eve, never, ever. Not until you are well enough."

I smiled and wiped a tear from my face.

"But mum, I'm never going to get better. I haven't felt the wind or the grass beneath my feet for 14 years. It's been so long I don't even know what the outside world looks like." My mother continues to cry, but I know she is crying for me. She is crying for the things I have missed, the dreams I never achieved, the life I never lived and I cry with her too. I cry until my dress is drenched, until my throat hurts and until there is no more tears left.

My father had gathered my mum into his hands and I watched the mate bond in action as he kissed her head and whispered sweet nothings into her ears until finally she too had stopped crying.

"I can't..." my mum finally whispered and I understood what she meant.

"But you must mummy. You must because you have controlled my life for 19 years and now it's time I take control. Death is inevitable but if I die without even living how pitiful is that? I want to live mother, not just survive."

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