Waking up

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Maddie's pov

I woke up to a headache and a sore back. I screamed McKenzie where are you she woke up and she said Maddie I'm right here. Where are we Kenzie. I don't know Maddie I think we're in a basement there's no windows and no light. I take up my phone I look at the time it's five in the morning but Saturday I thought to myself Abby's going to hate us or missing dance. All of a sudden I saw a text it was an Amber alert for me and McKenzie I looked at it and I said Amber alert we haven't even been gone that long. Kens I think we've been kidnapped do you remember anything.

Kenzies pov

I woke up to Maddie shouting my name I can't remember anything from what happen all I remember is I was walking with Maddy and then the world just went black. Maddie what are we gonna do we have to get out of here. Next thing I knew the door was opening and there's a big large man walked in through in two boys and another girl Maddie and I looked at each other one of the boys was Josh Hanson one of the girls was page and the other boy we didn't know who he was.

Nicholas pov

I see you guys are awake he said that smirk on his face. Yeah we are awake what did you do to us why are we here let us go Maddie said. No why would I let you go I'll be a reward out for you once I kill you I'll stage it so that I get all that money it'll go to my daughter and son. You can't just keep us here please let us go we won't tell anyone we promise Maddie said. Oh but I can't trust you you guys are famous now and if I let you go you will never be able to tell anyone because I would've killed you. Please we promise we won't tell let us go home we miss her mom McKenzie said. Oh don't worry you'll have a lot more friends to play with Nicholas said with a smirk on his face. Please we promise we just want to go home said page and Josh. Be quiet or I'll kill you right here right now Nicholas said with a loud tone.

Melissa's pov

It's been almost 24 hours since Maddie and Mackenzie have been missing I really hope they're OK. What if I call if I call Brooke and Paige maybe they know we're Maddie and Mackenzie are. I call Brooke and Paige they don't pick up their phone I start to get really worried so I called Christie and Chloe. Christie picks up the phone crying I ask her what's wrong and she said Chloe's gone missing. I thought to myself oh my God our girls are all going to go missing now what what if he has all the girls Melissa says with a panicked sound in her voice. I don't know but I've been trying to call Kelly all day. I called Jill but she isn't picking up either Christie said still crying. We have to file a police report Melissa says. You're right I'll meet you at Kelly's house Christie says and hangs up the phone.

Chloe's pov

I wake up in a small dark room a man came in grab me by the wrist tying up and brought me to another room there was a little bit of light. I could see the faces of the other people it was Maddie Mackenzie Josh page and another person they were all covered in filth. He pushed me in there after he threw in a few slices of bread and an apple for each of us. We ate the pieces of bread and kept the apples under our beds he told us it was time to go to bad and that we would have a hard day full of chores and labor tomorrow we all went to bed.

Melissa's pov

We went to Kelly's house she wasn't there neither were Brooke page or Josh.We found a trail of blood leading from the bathroom to Brooke and pages room we got really nervous we took a picture with it on our phones and then all of a sudden the world went black.

And that's the end of chapter 2 please please tell me what you think I'm really new at this and I don't know what I could do to make this book better I can't write all that well so I use the speaker on my phone to do this so if there's any weird things in this that I miss just please comment on them and I will fix them I do go through it about three or four times but I have missed stuff in the past so please write a comment so I can see what or how to make this better love you bye 

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