Chapter 1: The Dream

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Minho comes home his legs heavy,hurries to close the door,  all he wants is to collapse in bed and never wake up. However he is supposed to visit his mom tomorrow so he knows he has to wake up eventually. Finally making it to his room he removes his stiff clothing, moonlight glinting off a faint mark on his shoulder as he puts on a simple white t shirt and a pair of boxers. He instantly falls asleep as his body hits the soft bed, the covers enveloping him a cocoon of warmth. As he sleeps his muscles unwind and his body relaxes, only to be met with a contrasting dream that proves to be more of a nightmare.

Minho finds himself in a dark room with only a single dim light, he notices a person tied to a chair, but can't see their face because it is covered with a hood. he can tell it is cold from the mist forming around the person. He also notices a small table in the corner, but before he can get a good look at its contents he hears loud footsteps coming from behind a heavy door he hadn't noticed yet. The heavy door is pushed open easily, seeming to glide across the floor. A man wearing a traditional black and white suit with white hair can now be seen as he closes the door behind him without looking. He glances to the person tied to the chair, he can hear slight heavy breathing either from panic, terror, or both, however the person shows no other sign of discomfort. The hood is removed from the person's head with a 'swish'. Minho takes a sharp intake of breath, his mother was in the chair, her lips set in a hard determined line and her eyes glinting with defiance. The man moves towards the small table, rolling it into view, and even with the dim lighting he can see the knives and blades neatly lined up. Dread fills his body, his mom about to be tortured right in front of him.

The man finally speaks in a low voice and says,"Tell me my future, will anything or anyone come along and try to ruin me?"

Minho's mom replies," I will tell you nothing, you are nothing but an evil monster that kills its own kind, preys on those that cannot protect themselves, you are nothing but a coward," she looks away in disgust, not able to look at the man any longer.

"Fine have it your way," the man replies," but you won't be able to stay quiet for long." He smiles menacingly at her, ready to take joy in his work.

Time seems to move slowly as the man tortures his mom for what seems hours, when the man finally stops, and wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead leaving a trail of blood against his pale skin. His mom is slumped over, blood caked in her hair, and cuts all over her body.

" Want to tell me now?" he asks with a sneer,"It's your last chance."

His mom takes a slow breath and replies," I will tell you one thing, you won't last long, someone that can see past your tricks will be your undoing." She takes a last breath then goes still, escaping from the pain and the truth. Her son was the one that would be his undoing, once she died she would be able to reveal everything to him.

Minho wakes up gasping for breath, unable to tell the difference from reality and dream.   

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