-Memories- {1}-

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"Maya? Riley?" Josh says getting up, surprised to see us.
"You know these girls Josh? How ya doing?-" Andrew, Josh's friend.
"Were in middle school." I reply seeming creeped out.
"Ohhhhh... they can't be here Josh." He says backing away and pushing Josh to us.
"What are you thinking? You need go." He tells us as I nod, knowing this was a terrible idea.

"Your right Josh. We're sorry. This was a bad idea." I say as we turn around.

"Wait. Intrigued. Maya, what was your bad idea?" The girl I saw flirting with Josh says walking up to us and pushing Josh out of the way.

"He's her uncle Josh. I call him Boing, because look at him." I say.

"She made me sneak out of a window. That's how much she likes him. Uh because she thought you guys were witches and were gonna take him away from him." Riley explains.

"Their not witches, Riley. Their girls who don't live at home anymore and know a lot more then us." I reply.

"Sorry we interrupted your evening." Riley says as we are about to leave.

"I think our evenings just begun." The other girl says stopping us.

"Initiation!!!!" One of Riley's friends yells and grabs Riley, covering something over her eyes and carrying her to the nearby gym, while Josh chases after them, trying to get Riley back.

"Andrew? You told me you died." Riley's friend says.

"Yeah I did I am. Don't forget me." He says walking out of the room.

"They all die." She says walking out of the room.



"So, Maya what do you see in this guy?-"

"How long have you had a crush on him?" The other asks finishing for the other.

"It's not a crush. Maybe I'm not as old as you guys, but I know what I feel." I say feeling uncomfortable, denying.

"I just thought if I did something like this, he might take me seriously, and we might reach some understanding." I say sighing.

"We do have an understanding. I stay here, you go home." Josh says as he, Andrew, and Riley walk in.

"Sit down." All girls say except for me and Riley.

"Ok." He obeys, as he and Andrew sit down. 

"I'm just stupid right?" I ask feeling stupid.

"Hey. I would love if somebody did something stupid for me." Andrew cuts in.

"Yeah it's not the big gestures that we do for us to grow up-"
"But the little things we do for ourselves."

"Oh, Maya told you about her crush." Riley asks.

"It's not a crush." I say getting up.

"Maya. Can you name one thing you love about Josh?" Riley asks me as I walk to her.

"He's your family. I love your family." I say.

"And we love you. What in particular?" She asks.

"Yeah Maya. You don't even know anything about me." Josh says standing up.

"Yeah your right. I don't pay attention to anything you do. I don't know that you drive from Philadelphia to New York, not even looking to see if you got into NYU, just so you can open your acceptance letter in front of your older brother, because you love him and want him to be proud of you.-" I say walking towards Josh after he sits back down.

-"And I see the way you are with Auggie, a little kid who looks up to you, who you always have time for. And I know even though you would rather be with these girls right now, your going to walk Riley and I home because that's just the kind of guy you are. I like you." I say admitting I like him.

"Dude what is wrong with you?" Andrew asks looking confused.

"She's three years younger then me." He says.....

I miss those days. Hello my name is Maya Pennelope Hart, and I'm seventeen. I like Josh Mathews and I'm going to college in a month. Riley Mathews is my best friend.

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