Chapter 3- Coming Face To Face With A Criminal

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Andy’s POV

Oh. My. God. This cannot be happening, no way.

I was walking home that day, my mind spinning with thoughts from Alan’s story. Why? Why in the world would he hire someone like him? I didn’t like it one bit. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.




“What do you mean he’s been released from prison?!”I whispered to Alan, “Well he was put away for some things, not major things! Just…things…”he mumbled. I crossed my arms over my chest at looked at him pointedly, “What things Alan?” “Well…” he fidgeted. My foot tapped impatiently on the floor, I don’t know why I wanted to know so badly, but I couldn’t just let it go like that, could I? I needed to know who exactly I was working with.


“Come on Alan, you said so yourself it wasn’t that major, so just tell me?”I said calmly. “Well, first it was just petty things like shoplifting, but he just got involved with the wrong people and one thing led to another and…”he trailed off. I narrowed my eyes at him, he wasn’t getting away that easily, “And?” “Well, he got arrested for physical assault about 10 times over…” My eyes widened, “physical assault?” “He hospitalised 8 guys and put 2 in a coma” Gosh. Wow. Okay, wasn’t expecting that.


So, after that, I stayed clear of him, it was obvious he was dangerous; I mean come on, physically assaulting 10 guys?  Gosh, was definitely not expecting that.  I could feel his stare on me for the entire shift, putting my mind in even more of a daze, I couldn’t concentrate, and so many things were going through my mind by that point, so I was glad when Alan let me go home.

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by a black Range Rover pulling up to the side the pavement, beside me, the passenger window being rolled down. I was met with curly hair and a pair of black Raybans, peering at me from his driver’s seat.

“Do you want a lift?” He asked, his deep, almost baritone voice, questioning. I looked at him, the surprise surely clear on my face, as a smirk pulled at the sides of his mouth.

“No thank you, I think I’m alright walking” I shyly smiled at him, can you blame me? He was a criminal. I lightly shivered at the word. Harry pushed his Raybans from his eyes, burying them in the top of his pushed back curls. “Nonsense, get in, anyway it looks like it’s about to rain, we wouldn’t getting wet” he smiled at me, but there was a mischievous look in his eyes. True to his word, the sky was looking a dark grey, the heavens ready to open up and drench me, gosh and I’ve got 5 more streets to walk, this is not looking good for me at all.

Harry continued to curiously peer at me from inside the car. Suddenly, he whipped off his seatbelt and opened his door to get out. I looked at confusedly, my surprise still clear on my face as he jogged around to the pavement and opened up the passenger door. “Andy, I’m not gonna ask again, get in, or you’ll get wet.” The irritation in his voice was non-existent, only amusement clear on his face. “O-okay” WHY? Why did I have to stutter?? I clambered up the steps into the car, shakily reaching round to clip my seatbelt in. What in the world am I doing? I’m getting in the car, with a guy I hardly know, apart from his criminal record, well we’re off to a good start here.


I watched Harry walk round to the driver’s side, the harsh wind blowing up, whipping his curls around his face; I had to smile at the cute ringlets that whipped at the sides. He yanked open the door and clambered inside. “Brrrrr…getting quite cold out there isn’t it?” Only, now did I realise his accent, realising he wasn’t from London. “Where are you from?”I blurted, immediately regretting the word vomit coming from my mouth, my mouth moving before my mind could catch up, it was often what happened, I really need to think before I talk… He peered at me in shock, clearly not expecting the question that slipped from my mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that, it’s just that your accent sounds different than from round here, and my mouth seems to have a mind of its own…”I realised I was rambling now, my mouth running away with itself, as usual.

“No, it’s alright, umm… well I’m actually from up north, A place called Holmes Chapel, it’s in Cheshire” Ahh, now I know, it does sound more midlands. “Interesting…” He chuckled slightly, before pulling away from the curb. He flicked the radio, the voices of HAIM flowing from the speakers. “You like HAIM?” I questioned, “Yeah, they’re pretty good” I nodded in agreement. We fell into silence, “Not meaning to pry or anything, but I kinda need to know where I’m going here…”

I widened my eyes in realisation, heat flushing my cheeks in embarrassment. I gave him my address, rather reluctantly may I add, and we spent the rest of the ride in silence. Only, we pulled up outside mine and El’s flat did he speak, “Do you want a lift to work tomorrow?” the question seemed like he’d asked it out of nervousness, he couldn’t be nervous, I mean look at him, the bands of tight muscle down his arms, that contracted as he held on to the steering wheel. “no, it’s alright, I like to walk” I smiled up at him, even sitting down he towered over me, now seeming even more dangerous than he was before. “Come on, I pass your flat on the way to work anyway, let me give you a lift?”

“Honestly, its fine, my friend usually drives me to work anyway” I went to open the door, to find it locked. Panic beginning to settle in. “Harry, please unlock the door, I would like to get out” I demanded in what was my calmest voice, still it was unbelievably shaky.

“Just let me give you a lift to work, then I’ll let you go.” I huffed, now he was getting on my nerves, he is so stubborn. “Fine, just let me out!” I was beyond annoyed now. He pressed a button, and I yanked the door open, but not before a vice like grip clamped onto my wrist. I turned to Harry, his hand wound round my wrist, my arm flooding in heat, what the hell was that?! “Look, Andy” he started, “I didn’t mean to annoy you, you just seem intriguing to me” I looked at him in astonishment, “It’s fine Harry, don’t worry, I’ll, I’ll  see you tomorrow morning?” He smiled, a genuine smile, “I can drive you to work?” He almost seemed childlike right now, excitement in his eyes. “Yes Harry, you can drive me to work” I smiled at him, a new bout of confidence settled in me, and before I knew it, I had leaned across the middle console and placed a subtle, soft kiss to his cheek. I leaned away, shock shuddering through me, the sudden warmth spreading through me when my lips made contact with his surprising smooth skin.

“Thanks for the ride Harry, I’ll see you tomorrow” I smiled at him as I climbed down from the car. As I reached the front door, I turned to see Harry shake his head before waving and driving off. I smiled to myself. OH GOD, what is wrong with me! I just kissed Harry, a criminal. I tried to calm myself down. I slammed the door shut and ran into the living room before collapsing onto the purple sofa.

I’m leading him on! A dangerous guy like Harry, I couldn’t. No matter how attractive he was, I couldn’t. He was a criminal.


I heard the door open and close, signalling that El was home. She walked in, pulling her brown waves over one shoulder and plopping onto the sofa beside me. “Long day?” she questioned, “No, just kinda heavy day” I replied, sinking further into the sofa. “What happened?” So, I proceeded to tell her, everything, from meeting Harry, to Alan telling me about his criminal record, to him driving me home and me kissing his cheek. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever, El contemplating what to say next, and me stressing over what I was going to do, why I had kissed his cheek. Why had I? “I think you should get to know him, see what he’s like, he might have changed, you never know!”She explained, “I mean, he may not be that person anymore, he obviously wants to get to know you if he wants to drive you to work, so maybe give him a chance?” I pondered over what she had said, weighing up my choices. “I guess you’re right, I should give him a chance” I smiled. “Does he work with you?” she asked, “Yeah, but I think he said he did something else as well so he wants to carry on doing that” She pondered this for a second before replying, “I wonder what he does then?”

Me too El, me too…


Hii GUYS!!! HAppy New Year!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, Christmas has been kinda busy...

Anyway! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! What do you think Harry's actual job might be?? ANy suggestions??

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

Love, Becca xxx

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