149 9 13

Hey guys, so since the overall catergory has been filled up, I've decided to post the results of the giveaway! These people have been chosen by a online number picker, and it's completely random (I didn't cheat, or accept bribes, or anything of that sort, I promise (: ).

So without further ado...

The five (there were more entries than expected) winners for Overall:
34. Chronicle_
28. Supernatural_AJ
9. Lady_Rowyn
23. BeAwesomeForLife
19. OctaviaLocke

Free and unlimited graphics for two weeks:

Wattpad-related request:

Books added to Reading List:

Winners, please PM me for your prizes in this format:

Hi, I've won a prize in your giveaway, under the ________ catergory.

Note to Overall winners:
• Please add a description of the character you would like me to write about in Hair Bows and Don'ts

• Please tell me when you would like your one month of free graphics to begin (but use it before next year's December). You will also be given priority when I make graphics.

Note to all winners:
Do be patient with the redemption of your prizes, but let me know if you have yet to receive your prize after a week. All prizes expire after then (unless it's the one month graphic)


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