story of kätö // c o v e r

56 11 6

@snowgalaxies18 I had so much fun making this cover, hope you like it! (I wasn't able to include the fox, I'm so sorry!)

@snowgalaxies18 I had so much fun making this cover, hope you like it! (I wasn't able to include the fox, I'm so sorry!)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Yes, it was kind of based off Pocahontus (correct my spelling please XD) and it took me ages to find the model.

If you can tell, her shirt wasn't actually there in the beginning (yes, she was topless, but her back was to me and I tried to cover what little of her *cough* privates she exposed) - if you managed to see it, let me know so I can improve on my manip skills!

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