Christmas/New Year Gifts!

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The end of the year = deep reflection time

Deep reflection time = remembering the awesome people who've been there for me, and with me

Remembering the awesome people who've been there for me, and with me = why not give them gifts?

In which Jayne decides to give back to the people who have cared for her and been friends that she can count on.

For Riah
For all her support, love and kindness. Merry Christmas and happy new year <3 I didn't make you a whole set because your covers are already amazing to me (:

To VictoriaFor all those roleplay moments, for being there for me, for all the relatable Math times, and for just being you xx Merry Christmas!

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To Victoria
For all those roleplay moments, for being there for me, for all the relatable Math times, and for just being you xx Merry Christmas!

To VictoriaFor all those roleplay moments, for being there for me, for all the relatable Math times, and for just being you xx Merry Christmas!

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To Drea
For her enthusiasm and support (especially for Edit) and all her kindness, even back in the day when I didn't have my own graphic shop. Merry Christmas! <3

 Merry Christmas! <3

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