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It was impossible.

I was way beyond help.

I groaned as I felt my brain overload due to the Algebra test we had today. If I would've knew that we had a test today then I would've stopped stalking Seth and Cammie on their date. But in my defense nobody told me we had a test today. And then again even if I knew that we had test today, which I totally didn't, I wouldn't have been able to read or focus on the subject which I would be studying since I would be too busy thinking about Seth.

This was it I guess, I was going to die due to excessive Algebra equations. I guess that's one way to die. I mean I lived a pretty good life. I had both dotting and loving parents, two over protective older brothers, an super dorky twin, reliable friends whom I treat as sisters and brothers, stalked a cute guy who is completely oblivious to notice my love for him and have first kiss stolen by someone who wasn't the boy I love.

Yup, I guess I've got nothing to regret. Well aside from making Seth mine.

Unfortunately enough due to my research, a human couldn't die possibly due to some Algebra equations.

I glanced around the room to see at least only 5 students were done and one of them being Emily, my twin.

Emily White was my twin and was 10 seconds older than me. We were like identical twins except for our eyes. While I inherited my deep green forest eyes from dad, Emily got her rich full hazel eyes from mom. But other than that most people would confuse the other for the other.

Another thing which would differentiate the one from the other would be our clashing personas. Emily was always the good girl and was the favorite between the two of us. However she wasn't just like any other good girl out there, specifically saying, Emily isn't a nerd who spends the rest of her life reading books isolated. Every once in a while Emily would go out, party, live a life, and get drunk. She would do anything a normal 17 year old teenager would do.

And while that was Emily, I was the social butterfly and 'bad girl' of Evergreen High. I didn't even know how I got the title 'bad girl' but I have 2 guesses. One being the fact that I am friends with Seth Parker, the bad boy of the school, and suddenly everybody assumes that I'm a bad girl. Secondly, I may have often gotten into shit way more than Seth or any of my friends. Fortunately for me, Dad's friends with the principal so I could constantly get in trouble without getting a suspension or expulsion.

Lucky me.

But despite our crazy personas, Emily and I have always been there for one another through thick and thin, especially when a certain sister is having problems with said subject.

I really was lucky to have Emily as my twin cause that means that she could give me free answers via sign language. Ah, the wonders of what a sign language can do for me.

I gave my sister a cheeky grin as I rechecked all of my answers. For Emily to seat near me and knew sign language well enough was good for me. Apparently Emily has always been my good luck charm my whole life. The only good luck I haven't got in my life was not having Seth and that alone spoke the truth that I would never be happy and satisfied until he is mine. Heck, I would even go to hell and back just to make him mine.

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