F O U R:

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The only sound that I could hear now in this empty hallways was the sound of my music blaring through my headphones.

"This is un-fucking-believable," I grumbled underneath my breath as I glared at the pink slip which I was holding.

I got a fucking detention slip all just because some stupid deaf sub hates me for treating her niece like shit. I didn't even treat that bitch like shit and besides she was the one who started it. The bitch was a cunning one and was an extreme drama queen.

I scoffed as I recalled that specific moment.



I ducked underneath the table and watched with amusement as the mysterious meat thumped over some kids lunch.

"Ha! You missed!" Mel screamed in joy as she fist pumped the air.

Sarah rolled her eyes and prepared to shot her next victim.

I got up dusting away the invisible dirt and took a bite from my sandwich.

"Why do you still buy this food when you know that: one it taste like shit; two it's definitely expired and three nobody knows what those crazy psycho ladies put in there?" Emily asked poking Sarah's food cautiously with a spork.

"Because," Sarah started focusing her spoon at a certain victim. "Despite all that, they make a really good ammo for ruining someone's appetite."

"And why would you do that?" I asked taking a bite from Melissa's chilly fries.

"Cause...I dunno," and with that said the meat soared up to the sky and landed on Stacey's back.

Stacey McKellar, the school's biggest slut and Seth's number one play toy. Said to be a pro at giving blowjobs and had one of the finest pussies out there. Not only that but she is surprisingly very smart for a slut.

Sarah lowered her spoon while Mel, Emily and I hid our laughter behind our foods.


Stacey marched towards our direction, her wild blonde hair flying everywhere as her heels clicked against the concrete floor making it the only sound in the whole cafeteria. She glowered over us, somehow having psych powers to know that it was one of us.

Her psych powers were apparently not that strong cause out of nowhere she turned to glare at me.

The nerve of the woman.

Couldn't she see that it was Sarah who was the true suspect.

Clearly not since she is a bitch to me and would assume that everything bad that happened to her life managed to somehow be connected to me.

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