✉ Ripped paper eleven

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Dear Sad Person You,

You don't even read my little letters anymore. Maybe that's a good thing. I'm getting weird, probably. It's just-- that I can't let you go. And I can't help myself stopping this. I feel better since I started writing to you. Maybe it's because my feelings are not that suppressed anymore. O Lukas-- if you only knew I'm here for you because I want to love you in the simplest way, and make you say after a long day: "Well, it wasn't bad like yesterday" and not for your money, like all those Happy People Them, or like your Happy Person Her do. I'm writing this next to you during Maths class. Sometimes you look at me, but I see just a tired glance that asks to be alone with himself. Your glances fall down on your knees when you're thinking. It's two days that you just do this during classes. How are you?
Yours sincerely,

-Sad Person Me

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