Ch. 5 - Same Mistakes

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Well :D Here it is!

Ariana's P.O.V

I twist the door handle, opening the door, fear spreading through ever inch of my body. I see four boys lying on the ground wrestling eachother like monkeys. Zayn was laughing so hard, it seemed as though he was about to pee in his trousers. My fear went away the moment I heard his laughter. It was as if beauty was ringing in my ears. He hadn't noticed us walk in because he still seemed to be concentrating on pinning Niall to the ground. I hear Amber and Louis laugh behind me. Liam notices me and gets up off of Harry and they both walk up to us.

Liam smiles at me. "Hi there. And what' will your name be?"

I grin. "Ariana."

He smiles back. "Nice name."

I laugh loudly. "Well thank you."

I notice Zayn abruptly look up, a perplexed expression on his face from hearing my laugh. Niall gets up and walks toward us, smiling.

"Hi." He says to us.

I don't respond, staring at Zayn, who was still lying on the ground. Our eyes meet. I could see them widen in realization of who was standing before him. He kept staring at me, wide-eyed, not moving. I feel my heart thudding loudly against my chest. Why wasn't he getting up? I could feel everyone glancing at Zayn and I, as we stare at eachother motionless. Niall looks at me stagantly, a troubled look on his face, wondering why I had never responded to his hello. Liam and Harry just stand there, puzzled at what was going on. The tension in the room grows as Zayn gets up onto his feet quietly, his eyes never leaving mine. My heart thuds faster and harder as he draws near me. Without warning, he suddenly pushes past me, almost knocking me to the ground, and slams the door behind us, without a word. I stand there, looking at the ground. Not a breath escapes me. What just happened? I don't move. Amber shakes me.

"Ariana! What are you doing. It's ok. Breath!"

I let out the breath I was holding in, almost choking.

"What's wrong?" Liam, Niall, and Harry asks in unison, worried expressions on their faces. They look at Louis, but he doesn't respond. He had the most repulsive expression on his face. He walks out of the room, and goes after Zayn. The boys look at Amber, puzzled.

"Wait." She says to them, and helps me to the nearest chair. "Ari. Sit down. It's gonna be okay."

I look at her, a distraught look on my face. Tears start to stream down my face, and I burst out crying. Harry, Niall, and Liam rush to my side. Liam putts his hand around me, and lets me cry on his shoulder, even though I had just met him.

"I don't know what I did wrong!" I say miserably through my tears. "Why does he hate me?!"

Amber sat down next to me. "I have no idea why he's being such a jerk! He acts like he loves you, then this?! Even if he didn't love you, he could atleast say hi! There has to be a good reason behind this."

"Loves her?" Harry says confused.

"Yes!" Amber responds. "You know. That picture he has in his wallet. She's the girl in the picture."

"Oh!" Harry shouts in rememberance. "I remember! I asked him once, and he just flat out ignored me."

Liam and Niall nod there heads.

"Yeah." Niall acknowledges. "I remember."

Amber explains the whole story to them as we wait for Louis to come back. I stand up.

"Amber. I want to leave. Lets go. Before Zayn comes back."

"What?" Amber exclaims. "Ari. We can't leave. I have to know what's up with Zayn."

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