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Narrator's POV

Harry ran into the Gryffindor Common Room while everyone was still at dinner eating dessert, claiming that he was tired after a long double potions class with the relentlessly horrid Professor Snape.

He quickly went into his year's dorm and opened his trunk and found his best kept secret, the Diary Horcrux, hidden under a robe.

Everyone thought he had destroyed the Diary back in his second year to save Ginny but he actually destroyed a fake instead, why would he want to destroy the only person he could trust?

The diary belonged to Tom Marvolo Riddle, his boyfriend.

No, Lord Voldemort wasn't his boyfriend —they were still enemies— but his horcrux and him were.

Harry placed the diary under his pillow and turned around, only to greeted by a kiss by his boyfriend.

"Hello, love." Tom greeted, kissing Harry again, Harry wrapping his arms around the taller male's neck

After about two minutes, they separated from the kiss and now the cuddled on Harry's bed, the curtains as well as a silencing ward surrounding them.

Harry told Tom about his day and Tom told Harry about a plan he had formed, a way to defeat Voldemort, Dumbledore and the Ministry in one swoop and steal the throne right from under Voldemort's metaphorical nose.

"We should gather the other horcruxes, love, wake them up. We get all of us together, we could definitely take the original soul down and Dumbledore while we're at it." Tom said

"How? We wouldn't even know what they are or where they are." Harry pointed out, "You're the first Horcrux, you couldn't know."

"No, but if I know myself as well as I believe I do then I have some ideas." Tom countered

"And when would we go? Albus has been keeping a close watch on me since Voldy's resurrection." Harry asked

"Tomorrow is the last day. Leave for summer and never come back." Tom answered

Harry smiled as the other Gryffindors arrived back to the dorms, "Let's do it."

Tom smirked: Voldemort be damned.


Albus Dumbledore paced around his large office after dinner, thinking of what to do with his Golden Boy during the summer since Voldemort was undoubtedly going after him.

"Damn boy is more trouble than he's worth." Albus muttered, running a wrinkled hand through his long beard

Perched on the headmaster's desk, Fawkes squaked in agreement, feathers slowly coming off as he prepared for his rebirth.

Albus lovingly stroked the top of the phoenix's head, "What am I going to do with him, Gel-Fawkes...Fawkes."


Lord Voldemort sipped at his whiskey, sitting in the bedroom he was staying in inside of Malfoy Manor.

That damned Harry Potter was being far too difficult to kill, the Death Eaters not even able to outsmart a teenage boy into handing over the prophecy.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." The serpent-like man said, finishing his glass

Grabbing the whiskey bottle, he opened it and poured more into his glass, only to find it empty.

"Merlin damn it." The Dark Lord muttered, throwing the empty bottle and glass at the wall


Harry jumped backwards as a empty wine bottle hit the wall next to him.

It was his first night back at the Dursley and he and Tom would be leaving first thing in the morning before the sun rose.

Vernon shouted, "Go get more wine, boy!"

Nodding, Harry quickly went to the pantry and pulled out another bottle, briefly placing a hand on the Diary that was hidden inside of his shirt.

Grabbing the bottle, Harry walked back up to the table and Uncle Vernon was quick to snatch it away and open it.

Once the bottle was taken, Harry was quick to retreat back to his room, not eating dinner since he didn't want give near the drunk Vernon and Petunia any longer while Dudley was out.

Clutching his growling stomach, Harry watched as Tom emerged from the Diary and comforted Harry, "We leave in  a few hours. Well get you something to eat first thing,"

Harry smiled in response, quickly packaging his things...

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