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Narrator's POV

Harry was in the shower in their room's bathroom, Tom in with him but Marvolo hadn't joined, claiming to have to run an errand.

"Does Marvolo seem alright to you?" Harry asked Tom

"He does seem a little off, is something wrong?" Tom asked, concerned

"He just seems to be...not himself." Harry said, big able to think of any other way to describe his new behavior

"Yeah, he did seem out of character." Tom commented, rubbing soap onto Harry's raven hair


Lord Voldemort walked out of the hotel and down Knockturn Alley, heading straight to Borgin and Burkes.

Why was he headed in to Borgin and Burkes? He was searching for a few objects he had had the old man hold onto for him —after all, who wouldn't when you were being threatened with being murdered— one of which was a necklace that he had stolen from the LeStrange Vault when he had put his horcrux in.

It was a necklace enchanted to be worn by the women in the family that were...less than excited to be married off and it would tame them, and it work that power on Harry Potter.

less than excited to be married off and it would tame them, and it work that power on Harry Potter

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Soon, Harry Potter would be a willing whore.


Albus Dumbledore sat alone in Hogsmeade, in his brother's pub, well that was a lie, but to others it looked true.

He in fact, was with his new Golden Child: Ginny Weasley and his lover, Gellert, who was in his animagus form like always.

The two people were talking about horcruxes and how Ginny needed to find all of Voldemort's.

Suddenly, the empty pub's door slammed open as a ragged Bellatrix LeStrange waltzed in, wand out as well as a dagger in her hand.

'Unfortunately', Ginny couldn't run faster than Bellatrix could throw her dagger, the blade landing in the ginger's heart.

Albus barely had time to move away from the Killing Curse shot at him, leading to it hitting the phoenix.

But a wand does not need to be reloaded and the next Killing Curse did not miss.


Bellatrix LeStrange cackled as she left Hogsmeade, the blood of the little girl still covering her hands and face.

The insane woman laughed and licked her palm, tasting the metallic liquid as she apparated away, still following the 'point me'.

Soon enough she made it to the end of the trail, but much to her surprise, she saw the imposter not her master.

She shoved him into a rubbish alley in Knockturn Alley, her wand at his throat, "Who are you and what did you do with the Dark Lord?"

The shape of the man's pupils changed, no longer a circle but into a serpentine one, "Crucio."

Bellatrix fell to the ground, withering in pain, recognizing the familiar feel of the curse, no one cast it like the Dark Lord.

"Come, Bella, we have much to do." Lord Voldemort ordered, walking away as the curse ended


The master and servant arrived at the hotel, going to the room that Potter wasstill in.

The Dark Lord smirked, he hadn't gone with the horcrux: perfect.

He smoothed his shirt and opened the door, Bella staying outside while he subdued Potter and she would join him inside afterword and she would assist in trapping the horcrux and putting it back in its container once it returned.

Getting as well into character as he could, Voldemort walked into the hotel room, seeing Potter alone on the chair, reading a Daily Prophet.

"Hello, Harry." He greeted, knowing that's what Marvolo would do

"Hey, Marvolo." Harry replied, looking up from the paper, "Is everything alright? You've been acting strange."

"I'm fine, where's Tom?" Voldemort asked, the final word like bile in his throat

"He said that he was going to look for you, you've been gone for hours." Harry answered, "Where were you?"

He quickly thought of an excuse, pulling the necklace out of his pocket, "I wanted to get you a gift to apologize for being a jerk earlier."

Harry blushed, "Thank you, its beautiful."

The Dark Lord began to place the necklace around Harry's neck when the door slammed open to reveal Tom, who had knocked out Bellatrix, "Don't!"

Voldemort cursed, quickly putting the necklace on Harry before the boy could react.

Harry's eyes glazed over, sitting still as a doll as Tom 'accio'ed Harry's wand to him and pointing it at Voldemort, "Crucio!"

Voldemort dodged, sending the same spell towards Tom, also placing a hand on Harry's shoulder and apparating them away.

Tom panted, cursing at seeing Harry gone, looking at Bellatrix in the hallway.

Well, it seemed he had some hostage negotiating to go through, knowing Voldemort had taken over Marvolo's body...

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