chapter 1; the adventure begins

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it was a dark and windy night in the dead of winter, there is a tavern with some sort of commotion inside.


"I normally am very lucky, but I also give people luck. You just had a straight double-double kingdom fox for crying out loud! What are the chances for that? Huh?" I threw back at him meekly

"uhhh---" he started, but I didn't let him finish

"1 in exactly 3 hundred million, four hundred and 57 thousand, three hundred and ninety seven. Now do you believe in my Forto?" I finished for him. Forto are these powers/abilities that allow us to defend ourselves against the creatures of jargon (pronounced yar-gon). The creatures of jargon are these weird creatures that poses dark magic, which by it's self isn't that bad, but they also poses a certain type of forto, the forto of the dark helm. The dark helm ability is one of great power, and its great power is only expanded on by dark magic. So ya, they are absolutely terrifying and I never want to meet one ever in all ever.

"to bring good luck to everybody but yourself, that still sound pretty lame" he said while setting his hand on fire "a real forto is something like this, I can actually use this to fight the jargon, but luck? Seriously boy-o, I don't know what to tell ye, its not particularly useful, we already got the people we need, we don't need you. Now run along and let the grown ups enjoy our drinks before we go back out to hunt."

I was starting to get really upset at this point, who the hell is he to tell me what is a good Forto and what a bad one is. But as I was grumbling to myself, the door to the tavern burst open and an odd looking man walked in. This traveler slowly scanned the room then he locked on to me and bee lined towards me.

"you look like you could use a team" he announced "and I think that I have just what your looking for, come with me"

This is the part that I should have started to worry, but my young mind kind of just said screw it, lets see what this guy is talking about. He led me outside and into the snow, the extremely cold temperatures didn't seem to bother this strange man even though I was shivering in my 5 layers and he was only wearing a light cloak.

"not from around here, are ya?" I said to this mysterious man.

"no, I am just passing through looking for people who could prove to be useful someday." this mysterious man replied "do you want to meet my crew?"

"sure, but first I must ask you for your name."

"Desiro Faristo at your service my boy, and I believe your name is Leaf Sorto, if I am not mistaken?" Desiro responded cheerfully.

"how did you know my name? They don't address me by name in the tavern, and I haven't told you it, so how did you know?" I ask curiously.

"oh It was just a guess, and your Forto is the Forto of Luck so it must have worked out like that. Anyways lets go meet the gang..." he trailed off at the end as three cloaked figures approached the two.

"what happened to mortintoj?"

"he got hit by a jargon while he was taking a piss over there, they dragged him off and we havent heard anything from him since" the leftmost figure replied.

"Leaf, this is Jonglisto" he pointed to the one who just spoke, jonglisto took his hood off to reveal a handsome young man "and this is papalo" he pointed to the middle figure who could took of her hood and she appeared to be a beautiful young women he has ever seen "and last but not least, this is cxefo" with that cxefo gave a cute wave and took her hood off to show off a beautiful face with a few scars that only seemed to enhance her beauty.

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