Chapter 8

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Kayla's POV
A man with a hood grabbed me and threw me in a white van. My heart pounded 500 beats per second. The man roughly tied me up against the wall. I only had one person in mind. Grayson. I thought that I wasn't going to make it. Tears ran down my cheeks like a gushing waterfall. The man took his hoodie off and I had a loss of words.
"Did you miss me babe" Jacob said
Holy shit. I never thought I would see him again ever since the accident in high school.     Being with him was hell and it took balls to get away from someone like him.
"Fuck no" I replied
"We are going to have fun tonight babe" he said with a smirk
"What are you going to do to me" I said with terror
"You'll see babe" he said with a dangerous face that could do so much harm to you but you couldn't escape.
I remembered every moment I had with Grayson, I felt like Jacob was going to make this day, my last one on earth. I remembered when me and Grayson had our first kiss, the sparks that flied everywhere from all the passion he brought into the kiss. Our first date when Grayson peed his pants from how nervous he was. When he met my parents he was a new person, he wanted to impress my parents, and he had a blank look on his face when he shook hands with my dad. I remembered when I ran away with Grayson and it was the best decision I have ever made. Being with Grayson was like having the whole world by my side, no negativity just peace. I got lost in my thoughts when Jacob threw a bucket of cold water onto my face, a snap back into reality. Water dropped down my face into the floor.
"Wake up stupid bitch, you are going to follow my orders from now on. Got it" Jacob exclaimed.
Why in gods name did this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I just live a happy, long with the person I love the most, Grayson?
Questions popped up in my head that made me question my whole existence.

Grayson's POV
I didn't know what to do. Kayla was gone and I was alone. Ethan was on the other side of the world traveling in Australia when I'm here having no clue how to get Kayla back. I ran to Kayla's parents house trying to figure out what to do. An idea popped into my head and I knew exactly what to do. Kayla's mom always wanted to know where Kayla was, so she put a chip into her phone where Kayla could be easily found in case of emergencies. I rang the doorbell and Kayla's mom opened the door.
"Hey Grayson, what's up" she said
"Mrs. Acevedo I have an emergency" I said with a shortness of breath.
"What's going on" she said puzzled
"Kayla has been kidnapped by Jacob a kid in her high school" I shouted panicking thinking what Jacob could have done to Kayla. I began to uncontrollably sob just the thought of it.
"Hold on I'm going to find my tracker to find her, I'll be right back" she said trying not to shed tears.
Two seconds later she came back with her tracker to find Kayla and she was in an abandoned area where it was burned down thousands of years ago. The place was so far away from Kayla's house but I would do anything to have her back. I ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to get to Kayla. It was becoming night time but I was determined to get Kayla back home again.
Kayla's POV
I was locked into a room where I was chained up to a wall and I couldn't move. Seeing Jacob again for the first time in 15 years after what had happened was a nightmare.
In high school I was the most popular, me and my group ruled the school. Everyone looked up to us it was like in the movies where there were mean girls all around and their was a nerd. Like in the movies Jacob was the nerd and he asked me out one day. The day where he asked me out I thought it was a good idea to play a prank on him to get a laugh from everyone else. When he asked me out I said yes and he was so happy jumping up and down. I then started laughing and I said..
"Why would I want to go out with a loser and nerd like you, in your dreams" I said laughing tremendously. The whole school started to laugh at him including the teachers. Jacob never went back to school after that day and I never saw him again until now.
*Flashback ends*
I couldn't believe my eyes, Jacob was hot and very muscular. Thinking back on the whole situation I regretted everything I said or did to him. After that day I made his whole life hell, he was bullied everyday and big guys followed him, taunting him and saying shit to his face.  I felt awful for everything I did to him and I teared up thinking that I deserved all of this. I deserved this for all the pain I had caused to him and his family. Jacob was in another room taking a call and screaming the hell out of himself on the phone. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I was scared out of my mind. My hands began to tremble and sweat from how scared I was. He came in angry and pissed off from a problem he was having. He punched a wall making a whole in it.
"Your going to pay for everything you did to me. Why would you do this to me, I loved you so much and then you just break my heart. You ruined my life, I was severely bullied and I was treated like a nobody. Do you have any idea what it's like to go through what I went through. No you don't cause you were treated like a queen and you always got what you wanted. Well Kayla I didn't I had to earn it and I still was treated like property." He shouted
"Jacob I'm so sorry for everything I did to you. I never wanted for all of this to happen, if I could take it back I so would." I said sobbing
"That's what they all say, they are "sorry". Well Kayla that's not good enough saying your sorry doesn't fix anything my whole life is still a mess cause of you. Maybe if you didn't do this all to me, nothing would have happened and we all could have gotten what we wanted. But no you had the brilliant idea to embarrass the shot out of me and look where I am right now. Your going to pay Kayla and it's not going to be pretty" he said.
I knew what the meaning of fear was, it's when you shake and tremble severely where you lose consciousness and your staring at reality in the face. It's something you won't be able to forget and your heartbeat gets faster the second.
Grayson's POV
I arrived at the place and it took me hours to get here. It really foggy and dark which made it hard for me to see where I was going. I saw an opened door and I hid behind trying not to blow my cover. I saw Kayla through a window where she was stripped of her clothes and was chained up to a wall. I saw Jacob with the most evil expression in my life. I remembered what happened with Kayla and Jacob in high school and I knew why this was all happening. I felt sorry for the guy but this wasn't the way to fix the situation. I had a gun that I found in my dads drawer when he was a cop in his mid 20s. A big guy picked me up and a couple of punches knocked me out.
Kayla's POV
"Well well well what do we have here" Jacob said laughing.
I noticed it was Grayson with bruises all over his face and gushing blood from the punches Jacob gave him. Grayson was right next to me but I wasn't able to reach him, the chains were really tight on me and I couldn't move.  Grayson started regaining consciousness and was the most angry I have ever seen him.
"Get the fuck away from my girlfriend" Grayson said gritting his teeth. Not gonna lie he looked really hot but I stopped thinking about that.
"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it" Jacob shouted
"Untie me and we'll see" Grayson said putting his hands into fists. Jacob snapped his two finders signaling a man to untie Grayson, once Grayson was free he kneed the man in the face causing him to be knocked out. Jacob and Grayson squared up and Grayson threw the first punch. Jacob grabbed him and threw him in the floor where I heard a crack. Grayson kicked Jacob in the balls making an advantage for Grayson. Jacob got enough force to punch Grayson in the face and it looked like it hurt pretty bad. Grayson was out of focus but he was still determined to get us of here. He knocked out Jacob with one punch and I was so happy I could finally get out of here. He untied me with the keys Jacob had in his pocket. We left and I called the cops, they were here in no time I was so grateful.
I heard Jacob coming out of the abandoned place and cops surrounded him with guns pointing to his face. He was arrested and me and gray went home. We went into a hotel and it felt so good being by Grayson's side again. I missed him more than ever and I never wanted to leave his side again.
"I missed you so much babe" Grayson said
"I missed you so much more don't leave me again" I said
"I promise I will never leave you" he said
The rest of the night I had my head laying in his chest cuddling against Grayson and it was so good being by his side again. We watched more the rest of the night but in no time I fell asleep next to him with Grayson's big arm around me.
Grayson's POV
I missed Kayla so much it was good to have her back by my side again. I had my arm around her protecting her from anything that would come. I didn't want to lose her again like Jacob kidnapped her or something worse. Her face made my mood change in an instant, I was pretty sad when he took her, but everything changed when she came back. I hope we can still be with each other in the future.

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