Chapter 5 Forgiving twin

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"We were born on the same day, but born with different appearance. People in the city consider me as " God son" while my older twin brother is consider as... No... he wasn't like that!... He my Brother!" My tears were falling down as the detective look at me with concern. God took my brother away, and left me wounded. " Mr.... Mr. Tasma" The detective begin before i interrupted her. " Tex..." my face was down, hiding my tearful face, watching them fall on my black pants and priest turtleneck shirt. " Tex.... Listen, we understand that this is.... this is very traumatizing for someone like you. A child raise in a church, the most beautiful and safest place here in the city.... and was gifted with the mark of god." I look up at her as i wipe away the tears, shutting them tightly. " Do you mind.... if you tell us from the very beginning.... about yourself and your older brother?" She put her folded hands on the table as a small and yet so gentle smile appear on her face. " W-Well... " -------------------------------------------------- Flashback---------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Dawn was a Puma who was raised in the church and became a priest on his 31st birthday. He watches the sun raises by the door when he turn his head to the hill where beside it, was the beach. " Beautiful morning i might say so myself." He said as he walk towards the tree, the mid summer wind blow the smell of ripe apples in the air. Perfect time to grab apples. Mr.Dawn tail wrapped around a ripe apple as it came off the branch and put it into the basket as he hummed a song until... A soft whimper ring through his ears as he look behind the tree to see a ruined basket, in it were a set of twins wrap around in their own blanket. " Oh, your poor children. When did you came here? " He picked up the basket gently to get a better view of their appearance. One was golden as a star, the other was white as snow, one was asleep the other was whimpering loudly from a nightmare. " hush my little child, you're safe now." He said gently as he walk back to the church, the basket still in his hands. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" So you and your brother were... found by the apple tree upside the church..." She said as she watches me as i nodded gently. " Yes ma'am, we were blessed to have a father like him." My voice shaken a bit, remembering when Mr.Dawn taught them to read, to write, how to treat people nicely when they walk in the the church. " What happen before you guy's birthday... a few days ago?" She ask as she waited for my answer. I didn't want to tell... Remembering it was too much for me but... It for them. I took a deep breath and said. " Before the event and our birthday, there were these group of kids who would always picked on Saul because he was a albino. We were still going some stuff... b-biologically i mean ma'am. Saul had some... anger issues when it come to them, of course he never dare to show it until..." The memories of that event came back to my head, my hand shook a bit from that. ----------------------------------------------------- another flashback------------------------------------------------Me and Saul ran as the group of kids dress in monk clothing chase us, they never seem to stopped! " Hey! You two better get back here! we aren't done playing with you yet!" they shouted as we immediately ran up to our room. I panted loudly as Saul locked the door shut, his breath was heavy from running as well. His black turtleneck shirt was covered with a white jacket while his hair was flipped slightly. " You okay there Tex?" He said in his country accent as he sat on his bed which was parallel from mine. " Yeah... i'm okay Saul." I sat on mine as i removed the wavy bangs off my face, both of us were chuckling as we started to take off our wet clothes, it was raining of course. " hey Tex?" " Yeah Saul?" I ask as i folded my wet shirt, looking at him a bit. " You... You lucky that you have that birthmark... The shape of the cross..." His voice was dull as he looked down as i looked at his. it was only bare skin with the shape of the upside down cross, only me and father Dawn know that. " Saul, you not like that! Remember what Father Dawn said, " God made you, you. It doesn't matter that you were born a saint or a sin, it what the inside of your soul count, not the shell."" My voice was concerning and yet a bit inspiring, my brother is nothing like a sin or the devil or even Hell! he is better than that! Saul look at me with a smile as he patted my head a bit. " I guess you are right little god." I gave him a look of annoyance as he laughed. " don't call me tthhhaaattt!" I said as we started to get in our knees, our back facing each other and prayed. " please Lord... Make my brother much happier. Amen" we both into our covers and started to drift off, But the time i woke up. It was the beginning of a nightmare. My eyes shifted open as the blurriness became clear only to see the empty bed. " Saul...?" I called out as i sat up, seeing the door cracked open. Getting onto my feet, i grab the lit candle and made my way out of our room. It was silent, which was normal since it was nighttime. " Saul?... Saul?" calling out softly, walking to the left side of the hall, there was the staircase and below it... Was light and voices. "What? no one was suppose to be up!" my headed yelled as i go down stairs softly, not making a sound. Voices became louder, more like the kids from earlier but then... My jaw sudden drop and my eyes went teary and wide. Gunshot was made, so clearly that the ringing was still in my head, " o-o-oh.... w-what have i done?!" Saul voice ranged to my head as well, his voice was shaken and frightened as i immdently ran back upstairs, not caring for who i bumped into. My brother did the most deadly sin.... he murder multiple people, in a church and... i heard it all. The next morning, I sat in the chapel as tears flow down my face, praying for this wasn't real, that it wasn't true. Hearing footstep near me and then look up to see Father Dawn sitting beside me. the Chapel was empty except for me and him. " My boy, why are you crying? did something happen last night?" His voice was it was, so kind and gentle. I nodded, i didn't want to tell him what had happen but.... It for the best. " F-Father... s-something... S-Saul, h-he..." I couldn't get the words out. I hug him close and wept, his arm wrap around me as he realized it. " oh my child, my little god." I felt him patted my head gently as tears keep on falling down. " I'm so sorry that you had to hear that." Father Dawn said as he held me close. " there there... Why don't you go confront Saul? He in the bell room." we parted as i remove the tears away as i nodded, standing up and thanking Father Dawn before running all the way up to the bell room. " Saul? It me! I heard what happen and i want to tell you that it oka-" My body froze as i open the door, he was just hanging there, like a lifeless doll. My brother... " S-Saul... " I didn't remember or... i didn't want to remember.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I look down more as more tears fall down, remembering the murder... the suicide.... the rape.... it was too much for me, too much. The detective look at me, her eyes looked at me with sorrow and shock. " I... I will get you some cup of hot chocolate." I heard her getting up as she walked to the door. " M-Ma'am? w-what is your name?" She looked at me before a small smile appear on my face. " It Mrs. Trap, Tex." I heard her said as she shut the door. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" That man... he is a sick, twisted psychopath!" Bellaruis said as she watches from the other side of the window where the room was, both her and Scott look at each other as Mrs.Trap come in, a very concern looked in her face. " Have they found the suspect yet?" Mrs.Trap ask as her hands hold the cups, Scott shook his head, crossing his arms around his chest and look at Bellaruis. " What should we do?" Scott ask as he looked at them. " What can we do?, he is an orphan... Like me and Nathan. If you want, I can take him for a while." Bellaruis said as Mrs.Trap and Scott look at each other. " That is a great idea." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I looked around in the house as i step in it, noticing two others on the couch. One was a midget toy bear while the other was a little toddler, they both laying there peacefully. " Welcome to your new home Tex," I heard Bellaruis said as she slide beside me. My face was soften a bit, remembering Saul smile. " I understand that, this isn't what you expected it but... I bet your brother is watching you right now." I nodded softly as i smile. She is right though, Saul or someone must be watching me.of course... I didn't know that my father saw all of it....

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