Chapter 6 Sinister dream

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It was like if the sky was covered with glitter as i lay there on the roof, waiting for my damn ride to come and pick me up! Bellaruis and Devin are sleeping in their rooms, she told me that i wasn't even allow to be out due to the crime rising, mainly murder and robbery. I'm surprise that she hasn't even ask me if i did anything like those yet, but i have a reason why. She got sick and tired of treating me like a kid, finally. I'm still like, almost 13 years of age and here i am, being like most kid. Breaking the rules, drinking, doing drugs and partying... well there is a fourth one but that mainly on Flint doing, i'm just there to help out on stuff... mostly getting stuff started, like we planned all those years ago. My hoodie was enough to cover my shirtless chest, hiding the freaking green triforce on my chest and green vertical stripes on my arms but it didn't cover my neck tattoo. A lotus flower with my favorite Mafia name wrapped around with vines and chains, yeah! that was something to make a police officer on house arrest, not to mention the one hoop earring and tongue piercing. Oh yeah! that almost made Bellaruis sent me to prison. Flint like it and was hollering loudly with laughter when i told him what happen. Hearing the horns honking, i looked to see a red sport car, inside was Steel and Flint, Steel in the driver side of course, no one is trusting Flint driving right after what he did the last time he drove. immediately i got up and slide off the roof and to the ground before running in the back seat, seeing the alcohol, cigars and the other stuff. Oh yeah, we partying tonight! " This is fucking awesome dude!" I called out as they drove off in speed, relaxing as my hands was behind my head. " Be glad, mom would have kill me if he found out about these stuff!" Flint said he look at me with those green-blue eyes. " Beside, we getting Megan!" Hearing her name made my heart skip a bit as i immediately sat up. Megan is one of those rich kids, well, she Hates being rich, she rather be with the bad kids! She has an additute that if you piss her off, you up for a fight and you will lose! She is also a huge stoner and drinker, she will beat you on a drinking contest hands down! " I see that look in yours eyes Nathan, she has Standers!" Flint said as he puff smoke and blow it out, holding his cigar. " So?!" " So... you have no chance with her! You haven't notice, she had dated over 20 men both younger and older than us and they usually fucking dumbasses!" he continued as I gave him a look before the car stop at a huge fucking mansion! coming out.... was Megan. She was wearing her cut up shirt that show her stomach competely, making it look like her chest was making it hover a bit, a black with red lacing tips skirt that was WAY too short for her,red fishnet stockings and black knee high heel boots. Since she is after all, a mix of a fox and a cat, her ears were big on her head with three black gages, a nose ring, a tongue piercing and lip piercing. On her arms were tattoos of lyrics of her favorite song, wrap around her skirt was a gun holder, inside was a sliver gun. DAMN! she fucking perfect! I watches as she walked towards the car, her tail was all poof up, making it look soft. " I'm gonna marry that bitch one day." saying that out loud as Flint look at me with a dirty expression on his face. " You have no chance with her Nate!" He replies as Megan get in the car, a smirk on her face, showing never seen before braces. " Nice Braces Meg" Flint said as the car move. " I know, i hate them though, they hurt like a mother fucker!" She said as she pop couple of pills in her mouth. Probably birth control pills, they look like it. I grab a wrapped cigarette and light it up, inhaling the smoke from it and blowing it out, it tasted nasty! what the fucking hell is in it?! "... Oh...." answering my own question, it was weed. One of Megan to be exact, it was mix with something, i couldn't tell until we got to the party, which was at the forest, in a abandon house. It was fucked up since it was mainly the four of us! " What the big deal?!" Megan said as we got out, me holding the drinks, her holding the drugs in a bag. Flint lead us to the house. It was a tall house that was falling and yet was being repaired, my eyes were going blurry until i felt someone pushing me towards the house. " C'mon! it's fucking freezing here!" Megan shouted as I went in. The house look completely nice! almost like if someone was living here!. " Sweet huh?!" Flint started as he took the bag and going to the main room, we follow along to see a lamp and a fireplace light up, there were also two couches and a radio that play CD's. This place looked fucking amazing! We sat in a circle, chatting, drinking and getting fucking crazy as shit, At least, Megan, Steel and me. Flint only drank half a bottle and smoked two cigars, I looked at Flint as he suddenly said something.... odd. " Hey Nathan, let go upstairs, there something i wanna show you something." He stood up and nudge his head towards the stair, i got up as well, uncertain about this. " um.... sure." I said as we went up and to a room, it had a room like mine except the walls were creme blue and the carpet was white. The bed look big enough for two and it felt... comfortable. " Ta-Da!, what ya think?" Flint announce as he walk to the bed and sat on it, a smile on his face. " Yeah!, hey! i have a idea." I said as i pulled out a video camera and smiles. " Let make a video!" " Great idea" He replies as I put it on a post, just enough to show the bed, me and him. " It just a video, it just a video. a normal, clean video." I thought to myself as I sat next to Flint, the video recording. " Hey everyone!, i'm Nathan and this is my friend Flint!" I said to the camera as i shudder a bit, feeling something walking on my leg. Looking down to see it was Flint fingers walking. My heart went numb as a huge blush appear on my face, this was literally new for me and for Flint as well! i mean... I knew that he was gay! and i'm completely fine with that but.... he usually had a crush on his uncle so.... why all the sudden, is going after me!? We were best friends, not as best as him and Steel but still, we were friends... " H-Hey dude, w-what are ya doing?" I studder with my words a bit as i looked at him, his eyes were bloodshot from the alcohol, even his breath reeked with the smell. He fucking drunk and he only had one bottle! I don't blame him, i'm drunk as well but stable enough to know what the fucking hell i am doing! " Having fun" He replies as I felt his lips against mine, I didn't know how to react. We ARE wasted!, we are teenagers, and we are friends.... I guess it could work for a bit.... It was just that... It was over an hour later and we were about to finishing putting our clothes back together. " uh... How long was the camera on?" Flint ask as we both look at the camera. It recorded the entire thing! " Shit!" I shouted, running to it and shut it off, pulling out the CD. " We are so fucked if this CD get a hold of by someone else!" " Worse... got a hold of our parents." Flint said as he stood up and went beside me, looking at the CD shine. " It staying with me until further notice." I replied as i put it on a clear disk and close it before putting it in my hoodie. " Let get back to the oth-" Something wasn't right, it was too quiet. Usually Megan and Steel are laughing and cursing at each other but this time, it was silent. Me and Flint slowly walked out of the room and down the stairs to see a panicking Steel. " There you guys are! We have to get outta here!!" From the look of his eyes, I was right, something was wrong! " Yeah dude! Wait a minute where is Meg-" I ask before being forcely pulled out of the house with Flint and thrown in the car, driving far away.

A few days later, Me, Steel and Flint sat in the police station. This time, we weren't in trouble. " There was a murderer on the loose near where the house was and.... The police found Megan remains in a river." I heard Bellaruis said while looking at the three of us. The feeling back then was the same feeling i'm still dealing with now in my heart, i was fucking piss! mainly at myself. I could have save her! I could have.... The woman i love is now gone forever. It's been almost a year now since that day. " Those fucking damn cops can't catch me like shit!" I said as I jump on wall to wall, roof to roof, room to room before stopping at a alleyway, hearing the sirens passing through. Snorting as i turn, only to bump into a gang member. " Hey, watch it kid." The man said as he looked at me straight in the eyes. " Why don't you fucked off?! " I said before feeling a severe sharp pain in my eye and body. Everything hurts, but i didn't care. Why should I care?! No one is gonna help the damage that was already made a year ago and frankly, i don't need help. As soon the pain started, it ended with someone helping me onto my feet and walked me back to Bellaruis's house. I open my eyes to see Scott, his arms cross and his ears was droupping down behind him as Bellaruis clean and fix my wounds. " Nathan... You need to stop getting yourself beaten up." Her voice was softer and gentler than last time, She has been raising me ever since she was 18, I was found a year before that by her and she consider me as a "brother." I didn't mind it at all... She can called me whatever she wants but it isn't gonna change anything. I wince at the rubbing Alcohol against my swollen eye. It was almost Spring, almost the day Megan was found, the last day we spent with each other, Ever since then, crime was still high but now, I heard that Flint fathers are doing something illegal and he wishing that he get the throne, like how his father Red, got his by his dad, Tony. It isn't changing anything... And once again, I watch the sky. Looking at the stars as they reflected my tears. Wishing that i did something... that i made a change. Wishing that Megan death was nothing but a Sinister nightmare.   

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