in the middle

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Monkey in the middle.
Middle school.

God, why.
It is so hard.
I already moved on from liking her.
And now, a new one comes to town.
Great, now you could kill me.
But I still l I like her.
Nothing could change that.
But she keeps me in place.
Though I never met her, I still know all her classes, friends, and books that she reads.

You're probably saying,  what is this guy talking about? Or This is NOT a good book.

I'm pouring out my feelings here!
Emphaty. That is what the world needs.

Now you're probably saying, what the flozwad is Emphaty?
Emphaty is making a connection to the person that's feeling bad.
Sympathy  is simply being sorry for the person.

Emphaty: "I'm so sorry, man. In fact, I went through something like that, it must really feel bad" or " I don't know what that feels like, but it must really break your heart."


See the difference?

Now hanging off in a last question,
Do you want an empathetic friend or a sympathetic friend?

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