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Nicky's POV

"Agh," I was thrown roughly into the stone cold freezer room that I had been imprisoned in for days.

The smell of death was now becoming a familiar scent around me. The three mermaids belonging to the scent lay limply in the corner of the room, hooks, nets and ropes hung from the grey-stone ceiling and ice surrounded the walls cocooning the room into a moist icy freezer that kept me in my mermaid form.

I wasn't the only one here though. Aunt Molly was asleep, curled around herself, shivering and twitching every now and then.

I was glad I wasn't the only one here- that someone else was in the same predicament. And especially since it was Molly. I had missed her so much- just knowing she was here I was full of relief that she was ok- or as close as being ok is when we're in this situation.

But I knew I shouldn't feel happy she was here- she was in danger constantly, harmed in every single way- asking for answers that I couldn't answer personally.

I didn't know if there are anymore mermaids out there. I didn't know if there are groups of mermaids around- I DON'T KNOW!

But they don't seem to understand me.

I don't know why I'm here. I have no answers for them- even if I did why would I share them with them? Molly knew things that I didn't, she told me she's been here for a while, they only keep her alive because they want answers. Aro's power doesn't work around Molly- it infuriates him.

"Hey, you ok?" Molly whispered. I turned my head to her and saw that she was awake.

"I've been better, you?" I asked noticing how her scales have gone a dull silver colour. No hint of sparkle or shine was embedded on her tail. Her skin was looking more pale and white than her usual tan skin with a dash of blue tint on it.

She looked sick. She was way to skinny to even hold herself up. And it scared me.

"Can't complain," She said coolly. If I couldn't see her right now I would have thought she was perfectly fine by the sound of her voice.

"We'll get out of this… right?" I asked as a shiver went up my spin. It was way too cold in here. I couldn't feel my fingers, let alone my tail.

Which is fine by me judging by all the bruises and scratches covering my body.

The only thing I had on was a flimsy piece of bandage going around my torso around my boobs. I had a huge gash mark across my chest from one of the battles Aro had watched gleefully. I had to fight a newborn- straight from when the small girl had woken up from her three day writhering slumber of the transformation process. It was hard to fight her in mermaid form- I can't even stand, and not to mention how strong she was. I still have some bruises and battle wounds from that fight.

It was like they were testing us, putting us against other vampires but I couldn't figure out why. Was it some sick way of torture? But what freaked me out the most was that Alec, the twin of Alice, had babied over me afterwards. He put bandages on my scratches and snarled at anyone who got to close.

It reminded me of Paul- the over protectiveness, thoughts of Paul invaded my mind daily. So many questions like: Does he notice I'm missing? Does anyone notice I'm missing? What's happening with mum and Carly? Is he still a wolf? That's so random… but I guess I can't talk. Who else is a wolf? I wonder-

"No," She said firmly, interrupting my train of thought. I thought about what she said for a second before I gasped at her bluntness. "I mean… err, yeah- we'll be rescued," She backtracked.

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